Category:Protege-Frames 3.x User's Guide
From Protege Wiki
This is a category that collects all pages that belong to the Protege-Frames User's Guide for the 3.x series of Protege.
Pages in category "Protege-Frames 3.x User's Guide"
The following 217 pages are in this category, out of 217 total.
- Template:PrF UG
- PrF UG
- PrF UG all
- PrF UG classes
- PrF UG classes add superclass
- PrF UG classes all
- PrF UG classes class browser
- PrF UG classes class buttons
- PrF UG classes class editor
- PrF UG classes class icons
- PrF UG classes class menu
- PrF UG classes class search bar
- PrF UG classes class window
- PrF UG classes classes and inst tab
- PrF UG classes classes tab
- PrF UG classes constraints
- PrF UG classes create class
- PrF UG classes creating multiple classes
- PrF UG classes delete class
- PrF UG classes edit template slots
- PrF UG classes editing a class
- PrF UG classes find class
- PrF UG classes hide class
- PrF UG classes jump to superclass
- PrF UG classes references window
- PrF UG classes remove superclass
- PrF UG classes replace superclass
- PrF UG classes superclasses pane
- PrF UG classes template slot buttons
- PrF UG classes template slot pane
- PrF UG classes view class
- PrF UG classes view references
- PrF UG classes view relations
- PrF UG files
- PrF UG files all
- PrF UG files database backend
- PrF UG files export clips
- PrF UG files export html
- PrF UG files owl support
- PrF UG files project types
- PrF UG files protege files
- PrF UG files rdf backend
- PrF UG files rdf support
- PrF UG files xml support
- PrF UG forms
- PrF UG forms additional widgets
- PrF UG forms all
- PrF UG forms change widget config
- PrF UG forms changing form characteristics
- PrF UG forms contains
- PrF UG forms custom contains
- PrF UG forms custom instancerow
- PrF UG forms directinstances
- PrF UG forms display slot
- PrF UG forms form buttons
- PrF UG forms form configuration
- PrF UG forms form edit pane
- PrF UG forms forms pane
- PrF UG forms forms tab
- PrF UG forms hide widget
- PrF UG forms instancerow
- PrF UG forms modifying controls appearance
- PrF UG forms select widget type
- PrF UG forms string widgets
- PrF UG forms understanding forms
- PrF UG forms using resourcelist
- PrF UG forms widget configuration
- PrF UG forms widget default types
- PrF UG forms widget type menu
- PrF UG glossary
- PrF UG help
- PrF UG help admin howto
- PrF UG help admin theory
- PrF UG help all
- PrF UG help user howto
- PrF UG inst
- PrF UG inst add class type
- PrF UG inst all
- PrF UG inst class browser at instances
- PrF UG inst copy instance
- PrF UG inst creating an instance
- PrF UG inst creating multiple instances
- PrF UG inst deleting an instance
- PrF UG inst display instance editor
- PrF UG inst edit instance
- PrF UG inst entry field boolean
- PrF UG inst entry field class
- PrF UG inst entry field float
- PrF UG inst entry field instance
- PrF UG inst entry field integer
- PrF UG inst entry field string
- PrF UG inst entry field symbol
- PrF UG inst finding an instance
- PrF UG inst instance browser
- PrF UG inst instance buttons
- PrF UG inst instance editor
- PrF UG inst instance icons
- PrF UG inst instance menu
- PrF UG inst instance window
- PrF UG inst instances tab
- PrF UG inst moving an instance
- PrF UG inst multiple cardinality
- PrF UG inst set display slot
- PrF UG inst showing subclass instances
- PrF UG inst standard fields
- PrF UG inst types pane
- PrF UG intro
- PrF UG intro all
- PrF UG intro extending protege
- PrF UG intro newspaper example
- PrF UG intro planning a project
- PrF UG intro using help
- PrF UG intro what is protege
- PrF UG intro what is protege frames
- PrF UG meta
- PrF UG meta all
- PrF UG meta change meta
- PrF UG meta change meta sub
- PrF UG meta change metaslot
- PrF UG meta change metaslot sub
- PrF UG meta create class use meta
- PrF UG meta create subslot use meta
- PrF UG meta customize editor
- PrF UG meta default metaclass
- PrF UG meta default metaslot
- PrF UG meta metaclass create
- PrF UG meta metaclass example
- PrF UG meta metaclass intro
- PrF UG meta metaslot create
- PrF UG meta metaslot intro
- PrF UG meta standard class
- PrF UG projects
- PrF UG projects activate included project
- PrF UG projects all
- PrF UG projects archive project
- PrF UG projects configure project
- PrF UG projects convert project
- PrF UG projects creating a project
- PrF UG projects export project
- PrF UG projects import project
- PrF UG projects including a project
- PrF UG projects merge included project
- PrF UG projects opening a project
- PrF UG projects preferences
- PrF UG projects project metrics
- PrF UG projects remove included project
- PrF UG projects renaming a project
- PrF UG projects revert project
- PrF UG projects saving a project
- PrF UG projects undo edits
- PrF UG queries
- PrF UG queries all
- PrF UG queries chain queries
- PrF UG queries clear query
- PrF UG queries create complex query
- PrF UG queries create query
- PrF UG queries export results
- PrF UG queries query editor
- PrF UG queries query library
- PrF UG queries query tab
- PrF UG queries retrieve query
- PrF UG queries run query
- PrF UG queries saving query
- PrF UG queries search results
- PrF UG slots
- PrF UG slots all
- PrF UG slots attach slot
- PrF UG slots create slot
- PrF UG slots creating subslot
- PrF UG slots deleting a slot
- PrF UG slots edit top level
- PrF UG slots editing a slot
- PrF UG slots editing slot properties
- PrF UG slots finding a slot
- PrF UG slots inverse slots
- PrF UG slots make inverse slot
- PrF UG slots override slot
- PrF UG slots remove slot overrides
- PrF UG slots removing a slot
- PrF UG slots slot browser
- PrF UG slots slot buttons
- PrF UG slots slot editor
- PrF UG slots slot hierarchy
- PrF UG slots slot icons
- PrF UG slots slot menu
- PrF UG slots slots tab
- PrF UG slots superslots pane
- PrF UG slots value type any
- PrF UG slots value type boolean
- PrF UG slots value type class
- PrF UG slots value type float
- PrF UG slots value type instance
- PrF UG slots value type integer
- PrF UG slots value type menu
- PrF UG slots value type string
- PrF UG slots value type symbol
- Template:PrF UG TOC all
- Template:PrF UG TOC classes
- Template:PrF UG TOC files
- Template:PrF UG TOC forms
- Template:PrF UG TOC help
- Template:PrF UG TOC inst
- Template:PrF UG TOC intro
- Template:PrF UG TOC meta
- Template:PrF UG TOC projects
- Template:PrF UG TOC queries
- Template:PrF UG TOC slots
- Template:PrF UG TOC windows
- PrF UG windows
- PrF UG windows all
- PrF UG windows cascading open forms
- PrF UG windows close tab view
- PrF UG windows closing all windows
- PrF UG windows detach view
- PrF UG windows small window
- PrF UG windows synchronize trees
- PrF UG windows yellow stickies