PrF UG inst instance editor

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The Instance Editor

Protege-Frames User's Guide
Instances Tab
Class Browser at Instances Tab
Instance Browser
Instances Window
Instance Buttons
Instance Menu
Types Pane
Instance Editor
Standard Field Types
Fields with Multiple Cardinality
Boolean Fields
Class Fields
Float Fields
Instance Fields
Integer Fields
String Fields
Symbol Fields
Creating an Instance
Creating Multiple Instances
Displaying the Instance Editor
Setting the Display Slot
Showing Subclass Instances
Editing an Instance
Copying an Instance
Deleting an Instance
Finding an Instance
Changing an Instance's Class
Working with Instance Types
Instance Icons
Glossary, Editing Help

The Instance Editor can be used to define and edit the slot attributes of the instance selected in the Instance Browser. If a single class is selected in the Class Browser at the Instances tab, the Instance Editor is displayed at the right of the Instances tab. To ensure that the class is the same one that was selected at the Classes tab, you can synchronize class trees.

The Instance Editor is also displayed separately in a free-standing window whenever you click on the View Instance (instances_instance.view) button in the Instance Browser or anywhere else it appears.

Protege-Frames automatically creates an initial layout of the Instance Editor for you, based on the slots and slot types of the class. You can customize the Instance Editor for a class, using the Forms tab.

Whenever you enter changes into the Instance Editor, they take effect immediately. To save the changes to disk, select Save from the Project menu.

Instance Editor

Note Icons

The note icons (instances_instance_note.hide, instances_instance_note.create, instances_instance_note.delete) at the upper right of the form, allow you to hide, add, and remove yellow sticky notes. The note, which is not part of your knowledge base, is always displayed when the instance is selected at the Instance tab. For information on how to add notes to any frame (class, instance, or slot), see Working with Notes.

Entry Fields

For each slot in the instance, the Instance Editor displays a field where you can enter the information for that slot. The different field types are based on the value type of the corresponding slot. For example, a slot of value type String is represented by a String entry field. The display and options for the field depend on the type of information that is included in the field. See The Standard fields, as well as the individual topics for the various field types, for more information.