PrF UG queries

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Protege-Frames User's Guide
The Queries Tab
The Query Editor
The Search Results Pane
The Query Library Pane
Creating a Single Query
Combining Multiple Queries
Chaining Multiple Queries
Running a Query
Saving a Query
Retrieving a Query
Clearing a Query
Exporting Query Results
Glossary, Editing Help

This section of the User's Guide covers the concepts of understanding, creating, and using Protege-Frames queries.

Note: Before you create and use classes, you should be confident with the basic Protege-Frames interface. You should also be comfortable with Protege-Frames projects, project types, windows, classes, slots, forms, and instances.

To return to the main table of contents, click the Protege-Frames User's Guide link (located at the top of the table of contents on the right-hand side of this page). Aggregate pages (suitable for printing and rapid visual scanning) are available for this chapter and the entire guide.