PrF UG queries export results

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Exporting Query Results

Protege-Frames User's Guide
The Queries Tab
The Query Editor
The Search Results Pane
The Query Library Pane
Creating a Single Query
Combining Multiple Queries
Chaining Multiple Queries
Running a Query
Saving a Query
Retrieving a Query
Clearing a Query
Exporting Query Results
Glossary, Editing Help

You can export the results of a query to a text file, protege_query_results.txt, which is saved in the same folder as your Protege .pprj project file. To export the results:

  1. Create and run your query.

  2. Click the Export Slot Values (queries_export) button at the top right of the Query Results pane.

  3. By default, the text file will list each instance and its class. A dialog box will prompt you to choose any additional slot values of the instance that you wish to export. Select those you want and click OK.

    Pick slots to export dialog
  4. The information will be exported to a text file, with slot values separated by tabs.

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Note: If you wish to export the results for more than one query, make sure to rename the text file so that it will not be overwritten.