PrF UG projects revert project

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Reverting to an Archived Version of a Project

Protege-Frames User's Guide
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Opening a Project
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Renaming a Project
Setting Preferences
Archiving a Project
Reverting to an Archived Project
Including a Project
Activating an Included Project
Removing an Included Project
Merging an Included Project
Configuring a Project
Project Metrics
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You can revert to any archived version of your project.

  1. Select Project | Revert to a Previous Version or click the Revert to a Previous Version (projects_project.revert) button at the top of the Protege window.

  2. All archived versions are displayed in the Revert to Archived Version dialog:

    Revert to Archived Version dialog
  3. Select the version you wish to revert to. If you wish, you can select to archive the current version before reverting.

  4. Click OK.