Pr4 UG mi Page Report
From Protege Wiki
[hide]Page Report
comment Editing Glossary Outline
Protege 4 User's Guide |
Miscellany |
Colophon |
Conventions |
Editing |
Feedback |
Glossary |
Introduction |
Outline |
Page List |
Page Report |
Resources |
Selection |
Startup |
This page contains a (mechanically generated) report on page-related problems detected in the guide.
Strings of the form "?..." simply indicate that text is missing. This text should be filled in to match the surrounding context.
Strings of the form "?(_key_:_str_)" also indicate missing text, but _key_ and _str_ clarify its nature, as:
- "?(Desc:_str_)" - describe _str_
- "?(TBD:_str_)" - item(s) To Be Determined
- "?(ToDo:_str_)" - item(s) To Do
Page content issues
- Pr4_UG_co
- <!-- ?(ToDo: info on reading order for concepts?) -->
- Pr4_UG_co_Ontology
- <!-- ?(ToDo: information on ontology construction?) -->
- Pr4_UG_mi_Glossary
- <!-- ?(Desc: Defined, as in Defined Class)-->
- <!-- ?(Desc: General Axiom) -->
- <!-- ?(Desc: relate to General Class Axiom) -->
- <!-- ??(Desc: Tool) -->
Ref - Menus
- Pr4_UG_rm_Apple
- <!-- ?(Clarify: Does this save the ontology?) -->
- Pr4_UG_rm_Edit
- <!-- ?(Desc: what are the semantics of multiple undos?) -->
- <!-- ?(Clarify: This grammar is murky...) -->
- <!-- ?(Desc: Remove disjoints for subclasses...) -->
- <!-- ?(Desc: Remove all disjoint axioms...) -->
- <!-- ?(Clarify: This needs to be more specific.) -->
- Pr4_UG_rm_File
- <!-- ?(ToDo: handle "Preferences..." item.) -->
- <!-- ?(Clarify: Does this exit the program?) -->
- <!-- ?(Clarify: Does this save the ontology?) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: Do we need a "Preferences..." entry?) -->
- Pr4_UG_rm_Help
- <!-- ?(ToDo: handle "About" item.) -->
- Pr4_UG_rm_Ontologies
- <!-- ?(ToDo: clarify active vs loaded ontologies.) -->
- Pr4_UG_rm_Protege
- <!-- ?(ToDo: How is this menu different under M$W and X11?) -->
- Pr4_UG_rm_Refactor
- <!-- ?(ToDo: deal with Protege4Preferences page) -->
- <!-- ?(Desc: Coerce data property values into property range) -->
- <!-- ?(Desc: Split disjoint subclasses into pairwise disjoints) -->
- <!-- ?(Desc: Amalgamate disjoint classes into larger disjoint sets) -->
- <!-- ?(Desc: Convert qualified min cardinality 1 to someValuesFrom) -->
- Pr4_UG_rm_Tabs
- <!-- ?(Desc: Test menu item) -->
- <!-- ?(Desc: Are we saving one tab or all?) -->
- Pr4_UG_rm_View
- <!-- ?(ToDo: handle Protege4GettingStarted page) -->
Ref - Views
- Pr4_UG_rv_An_Annot_prop_hier
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_An_Annotations
- <!-- ?(Desc: check) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_An_Description
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_An_Usage
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Annotations
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Class_hier
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Class_hier_inf
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Description
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_General_class_axioms
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_OntoGraf
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Supcl_hier
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Supcl_hier_inf
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Usage
- <!-- ?(ToDo: check text) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Da_Annotations
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Da_Characteristics
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Da_Data_prop_hier
- <!-- ?(ToDo: trim default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Da_Description
- Each description line begins with the name of the ?...
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Da_Domains_and_ranges
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Da_Usage
- <!-- ?(ToDo: check text) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Dt
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Dt_Annotations
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Dt_Datatypes
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Dt_Description
- Each description line begins with the name of the ?...
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: check text) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Dt_Usage
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_In_Annotations
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_In_Description
- Each description line begins with the name of the ?...
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_In_Individuals
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_In_Inds_by_type
- <!-- ?(ToDo: check text) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_In_Inds_by_type_inf
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: check text) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_In_Members_list
- followed by the name of the selected ?...
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_In_Members_list_inf
- followed by the name of the selected ?...
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_In_Prop_assertions
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_In_Usage
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Mi
- of annotations and usage (?...)
- Pr4_UG_rv_Mi_Axiom_annotations
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Mi_M_syntax_entity_rend
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Mi_Query
- <!-- ?(ToDo: describe query syntax) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: generate some sample queries) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Mi_Selected_entity
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: check text) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: research and explain assorted displays) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: examine this a bit further) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Ob_Characteristics
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Ob_Description
- Each description line begins with the name of the ?...
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Ob_Domains_and_ranges
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Ob_Object_prop_hier
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Ob_Object_prop_hier_inf
- <!-- ?(ToDo: investigate and describe aggregate nature of view) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_Ob_Usage
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On
- of the ?(Desc: Navigation Subject)
- of the ?(Desc: Navigation View)
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_Annotations
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_DL_metrics
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_Imported_ontologies
- <!-- ?(ToDo: add enabling content to Pizza ontology) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_M_syntax_rend
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_Nav_subject
- of the ?(Desc: Navigation subject)
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_Nav_view
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_Ontology_metrics
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_OWL_func_syntax_rend
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_OWL_XML_rend
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: update pizza examples) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_OWLViz_Imports_Graph
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_RDF_XML_rend
- <!-- ?(ToDo: create default example) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_Rules
- <!-- ?(ToDo: details) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: context) -->
- <!-- ?(ToDo: content and layout) -->
- Pr4_UG_rv_On_Selected_entailments
- <!-- ?(ToDo: check text) -->
User Interface
- Pr4_UG_ui_Dialogs
- <!-- ?(ToDo: dialog box purposes) -->
- Pr4_UG_ui_Main_Window
- <!-- ?(Desc: function) -->
- Pr4_UG_ui_Menu_Bar
- * ?(ToDo: Microsoft Windows menus)
- * ?(ToDo: X11 menus)
Broken links
- 'Image:Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Supcl_hier_1.png'
- 'Image:Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Supcl_hier_2.png'
- 'Image:Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Supcl_hier_inf_1.png'
- 'Image:Pr4_UG_rv_Cl_Supcl_hier_inf_2.png'
- 'Main_Page'
- 'Pr4_UG_h2_Ex_Enter'
- in Pr4_UG_h2
- in Pr4_UG_mi_Page_List
- 'Pr4_UG_h2_On_Create'
- in Pr4_UG_h2
- in Pr4_UG_mi_Page_List
- 'Pr4_UG_h2_On_Export'
- in Pr4_UG_h2
- in Pr4_UG_mi_Page_List
- 'Pr4_UG_h2_On_Extend'
- 'Pr4_UG_h2_On_Import'
- in Pr4_UG_h2
- in Pr4_UG_mi_Page_List
Unlinked pages
- 'Image:Pr4_UG_placeholder.png'
Glossary count: 123