Pr4 UG mi Editing
comment Editing Glossary Outline
Protege 4 User's Guide |
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This page provides advice and information for prospective editors of the guide. Please familiarize yourself with these notes before embarking on any substantive editing.
The guide has a number of conventions which help to keep it tidy and organized. Please try to follow these when editing and/or creating pages.
The guide is primarily written in English, but there is no presumption that this is the reader's native tongue. So, try to avoid informal usage, slang, etc.
It is also a good idea to keep sentences and paragraphs short. Long sentences can be difficult to understand, even if they are punctuated correctly. Don't make the reader struggle with language issues; the material itself is challenging enough.
For many readers, unfamiliar concepts and vocabulary will be one of the hardest parts of learning how to use Protege 4. So, if you use a technical term, consider adding a Glossary link. If there is no definition for the term, add one!
The guide is based on MediaWiki, the wiki software that supports Wikipedia. Although the guide does not currently make much use of the Semantic MediaWiki extension, this situation is expected to change as the guide develops.
Here are some useful links to (Semantic) MediaWiki documentation: