Pr4 UG rm Window
Window Menu
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The Window menu is used to control the Main Window, Protege 4's user interface.
See also Protege 4.X Shortcuts.
Note: In the keyboard shortcuts below, substitute "Cmd" for "Ctrl" on Mac OS X.
Views >
The Views menu is used to add a view to the currently selected tab. The contents of the Views menu depends on the set of plugins you have installed.
You can augment any of your tabs by adding views. Navigate through a topical submenu (eg, "Class views") to reach the desired view. Then, arrange the view within Protege's main window.
For details of how to configure tabs, please see notes on configuring the interface.
See also Protege 4.X Shortcuts.
Annotation property views >
Class views >
- Annotations
- Class hierarchy
- Class hierarchy (inferred)
- Description
- General class axioms
- OWLViz
- OntoGraf
- Superclass hierarchy
- Superclass hierarchy (inferred)
- Usage
Data property views >
Datatype views >
Individual views >
- Annotations
- Description
- Individuals
- Individuals by type
- Individuals by type (inferred)
- Members list
- Members list (inferred)
- Property assertions
- Usage
Misc views >
Object property views >
- Annotations
- Characteristics
- Description
- Domains and ranges
- Object property hierarchy
- Object property hierarchy (inferred)
- Usage
Ontology views >
- Classification results
- DL metrics
- Imported ontologies
- Manchester syntax rendering
- Navigation subject
- Navigation view
- OWL functional syntax rendering
- OWL/XML rendering
- OWLViz Imports Graph
- OntoGraf Import View
- Ontology prefixes
- Ontology annotations
- Ontology metrics
- RDF/XML rendering
- Rules
Tabs >
The Tabs menu is used to administer Protege's top-level tabs. The set of available tabs may be larger, depending on which plugins you have installed. The default tabs are shown below.
See also Protege 4.X Shortcuts.
Active Ontology
Enable/disable the Active Ontology tab. This tab shows metadata, imports, and metrics for the active ontology.
Enable/disable the Entities tab. This tab shows a view of the currently-selected class, property, or individual. It can be used to replace the other entities tabs.
Enable/disable the Classes tab. This tab is optimized for viewing classes.
Object Properties
Enable/disable the Object Properties tab. This tab is optimized for viewing object properties.
Data Properties
Enable/disable the Data Properties tab. This tab is optimized for viewing data properties.
Enable/disable the Individuals tab. This tab is optimized for viewing individuals.
Enable/disable the OWLViz tab. This tab shows a graphical representation of the asserted and inferred subclass hierarchies.
Note: This tab requires GraphViz.
DL Query
Enable/disable the DL Query tab. This tab allows querying the reasoner with arbitrary class expressions.
Note: The ontology must be classified first.
Enable/disable the OntoGraf tab. This tab gives support for interactively navigating the relationships of your OWL ontologies
Create new tab...
Create a new, empty tab for the user to configure.
Delete custom tabs...
Allow the user to remove custom tabs from the menu and workspace.
Export current tab...
Allow the user to share a tab (ie, view layout) with other users.
Import tab...
Allow the user to load a tab (ie, view layout) that another user has provided.
Store current layout
Force the current tab (ie, view layout) to be saved.
Note: This will also happen on a normal shutdown of Protege 4.
Reset selected tab to default state
Perform a "factory reset" for the layout of the currently-selected tab.
Increase font size (Ctrl-=)
Increase the size of the text fonts used by Protege 4.
Decrease font size (Ctrl--)
Decrease the size of the text fonts used by Protege 4.
Timestamp log / console
Display a dialog, allowing the user to generate a "timestamp" message (with optional message text) in the system log and/or console.
Look & Feel >
This sub-menu allows the user to modify the appearance and (to some degree) behavior of the User Interface. This is similar to the "themes" or "skins" found in other GUI-based programs.
- Protege Default
- Metal
- CDE/Motif
- Mac OS X
- Plastic 3D
Refresh User Interface
Refresh the User Interface (redraw all windows).