PrF UG inst display instance editor
Displaying the Instance Editor
You view or edit an existing instance using the Instance Editor.
Note: If the class is a system class or has been included from another project, it cannot be edited. Included classes are shown with a pale class icon to the left.
Using the Instances Tab
To view or edit an existing instance from the Instances Tab:
In the Class Browser at the Instances tab, select the class which contains the instance you want to edit. If the class is not currently displayed, you may need to navigate to it via the class hierarchy. To ensure that the class is the same one that was selected at the Classes tab, you can synchronize class trees. When a class is selected, all instances for the selected class are displayed in the Instance Browser.
Select the instance you want to edit in the Instance Browser.
Enter the updated information directly in the Instance Editor to the right.
Displaying a Free-standing Window
You can open the Instance Editor to view or edit an instance anywhere the View Instance () button appears, including the following locations:
the Search Results pane at the Queries Tab
To view or edit a class using the Instance Editor:
Select the instance you want to edit. At the Instances Tab, first select the class that contains the instance, as described above.
Click the View Instance () icon at the upper right of the pane to open the Instance Editor as a free-standing window.
To view or edit the information for several instances at once, open a new Instance Editor for each instance. Opening a new Editor does not close the previous editor. This allows you to compare the attributes for two or more instances. Edits can be made directly in any open Editor. For managing multiple windows, see Cascading Open Forms and Closing All Windows.
Any changes you enter into the Instance Editor take effect immediately. To make the changes permanent, save the knowledge base by selecting Save from the Project menu. To revert to the last saved version, close Protege without saving changes. If you have made extensive changes to your knowledge base during the current session, you may wish to save before editing instances.
You can also edit an instance from a field. See Instance Fields for more information.