PrF UG forms widget type menu

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The Selected Widget Type Menu

Protege-Frames User's Guide
Understanding Forms
Forms Tab
Form Browser
Form Buttons
Form Editor
Display Slot Menu
Selected Widget Type Menu
Widget Configuration Dialog
Form Configuration Dialog Box
Default Widget Types
Additional String Widgets
Instance Row and Table Widgets
Contains Widget
Direct Instances Widget
Global Characteristics
Moving or Resizing a Widget
Widget Configuration Properties
Selecting a Widget Display
Hiding a Widget
Customizing a Row or Table Widget
Customizing a Contains Widget
Using a Resource List Widget
Additional Widget Types
Glossary, Editing Help

The Selected Widget Type menu allows you to choose the widget type, that is, the way the information for that slot is formatted for the currently selected widget. The choices for widget type depend on the value type of the slot. Each value type has a default widget for the slot, as well as a preset list of possible widget types, based on the slot's value type.

Clicking on the menu displays a list of possible options for the currently selected widget. Making a new selection will change the appearance of the widget on the form.

Selected Widget Type menu, TextFieldWidget selected

For example, for a String field of Single Cardinality, you can select a number of widgets, including a TextAreaWidget, TextAreaWidget, a UniqueStringWidget, or a YellowStickyWidget.

forms_textareawidget_instance   forms_yellowstickywidget_small

Various String Widgets

If you select <none> from the Widget Type menu, the widget is removed from the Form Editor and is not displayed in the Instance Editor for that class. To redisplay a widget that has been removed, open the Form Configuration dialog (by double-clicking on the background of the Form Editor) and choose a different display type for the widget.