PrF UG classes view class

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Displaying the Class Editor

Protege-Frames User's Guide
Classes Tab
Class Browser
Class Buttons
Class Hierarchy Window
Class Icons
Class Menu
Class Search Bar
Superclasses Pane
Class Editor
Template Slots Pane
Template Slot Buttons
References Window
Creating a New Class
Creating Multiple Subclasses
Deleting a Class
Displaying the Class Editor
Editing a Class
Editing Template Slots
Finding a Class
Hiding a Class
Replacing a Superclass
Adding a Superclass
Jumping to A Superclass
Removing a Superclass
Viewing Class Relations
Classes & Instances Tab
Viewing References
Glossary, Editing Help

You can view or edit an existing class using the Class Editor.

Note: If the class is a system class or has been included from another project, it cannot be edited. Included classes are shown with a pale class icon to the left.

Whenever you enter changes into the Class Editor, they are immediately visible everywhere in the project. To write the changes to disk, select File | Save Project.

Using the Classes Tab

To view or edit a class from the Classes tab:

  1. Select the class you want to edit in the Class Browser in the Classes tab.

  2. Enter the updated information directly in the Class Editor to the right.

Displaying the Class Editor as a Free-standing Window

You can open the Class Editor to view or edit a class anywhere the View Class (classes_class.view) button appears, including the following locations:

To view or edit a class using the Class Editor:

  1. Select the class you want to edit.

  2. Click the View Class (classes_class.view) icon at the upper right of the pane to open the Class Editor as a free-standing window.

To view or edit the information for several classes at once, open a separate Class Editor for each class. Opening a new Class Editor does not close the previous editor. This allows you to compare the attributes for two or more classes. Edits can be made directly in any open Class Editor.

Managing Multiple Editors

If you have multiple editor windows open, you can manage them as follows:

  • Cascade multiple windows by selecting Windows | windows_cascade_windows Cascade Windows.

  • Close all open editor windows by selecting Windows | windows_close_all_windows Close All Windows.