PrF UG inst entry field string
The String Fields
When an instance is created for a class with a slot of String Value Type, the entry field corresponding to the slot is a String entry field. It takes ASCII characters as values, including upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and the basic symbols on the keyboard, such as !, _, and %. String values can also include spaces.
Single Cardinality
The entry field corresponding to a slot of value type String with Cardinality Single can contain a single ASCII string. It appears as an entry bar:
To edit a value, click in the entry field and make your edits.
To create a value, enter a string in the entry field.
To clear a value, delete the value in the entry field.
Multiple Cardinality
The entry field corresponding to a slot of type String with Cardinality Multiple shows a display list with three buttons. This field takes a list of string values. If the at most value is set in the Cardinality field for the slot, there is a limit on the number of values you can enter.
To edit a pre-existing value:
Select the value you want to edit.
Click the View Value (
) button. An Edit String Value dialog box will be displayed.
Edit the string directly in the entry field in the dialog box.
Click OK.
To create a value:
Click the Create Value (
) button. A Create String Value dialog box will be displayed.
Enter a string in the entry field. You can enter ASCII characters, including upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and the basic symbols on the keyboard, such as !, _, and %. String values can also include spaces.
Click OK.
To remove a value:
Select the value(s) you want to remove.
Click the Remove Value (
) button. The selected values will be removed.