PrF UG inst instances tab
The Instances Tab
The Instances tab provides a window in which you may view, create, and edit instances. (Classes model concepts in your domain, slots model properties of classes and any relationships between them, and instances model the actual data.)
An example of the Instances tab is shown below. The window consists of three panes:
The Class Browser, at the left, shows the classes in a superclass/subclass relationship. The Instances tab lets you view classes, but you cannot edit or rearrange them. See the Classes tab for information about working with classes.
The Instance Browser, in the center, shows all of the direct instances, if any, for the selected class. It allows you to view, edit, create, and delete direct instances.
When a single instance is selected, the Instance Editor for the selected instance is displayed to the right. The Instance Editor displays all the slots which apply to the instance, and allows you to edit them. The Instance Editor can also be displayed as a separate window by clicking the View Instance (
) button in the Instance Browser or anywhere else it appears.