PrF UG forms contains

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Protege-Frames User's Guide
Understanding Forms
Forms Tab
Form Browser
Form Buttons
Form Editor
Display Slot Menu
Selected Widget Type Menu
Widget Configuration Dialog
Form Configuration Dialog Box
Default Widget Types
Additional String Widgets
Instance Row and Table Widgets
Contains Widget
Direct Instances Widget
Global Characteristics
Moving or Resizing a Widget
Widget Configuration Properties
Selecting a Widget Display
Hiding a Widget
Customizing a Row or Table Widget
Customizing a Contains Widget
Using a Resource List Widget
Additional Widget Types
Glossary, Editing Help

ContainsWidget is an optional widget for slots of type Instance. The default widget, InstanceFieldWidget or InstanceListWidget, lists Instance(s) that are selected as the value of the slot. ContainsWidget actually contains a version of the form for each instance that is a value of the slot.

ContainsWidget is useful primarily for Class or Instance slots where the Class Editor for the Allowed Classes is fairly simple, and where the cardinality is single or small. For a widget that provides a summary of selected fields, see InstanceRowWidget or InstanceTableWidget.


For information on how to customize the display of a ContainsWidget, see Customizing a ContainsWidget.