PrF UG projects convert project

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Converting a Project to Another Project Type

Protege-Frames User's Guide
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Converting a Project's Type
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You can convert a Protege-Frames project from one backend format (project type) to another. You will see no difference in the Protege interface when you work with your project, but all changes to to the project are stored in the new format. See Understanding Project Types for more information.

You can convert between the following Protege-Frames formats:

  • Protege Files (the default) creates two text files in Protege-Frames format. See Protege Files.

  • Protege Database creates the project as a table in a JDBC database. To do this, you must have a database installed and configured on your system. See Protege Database Format.

  • Experimental XML saves the project in XML format. See Experimental XML Format.

Note: You can also convert a Protege-Frames file to Protege-OWL format and vice versa. In this case, however, you will see a significant difference, because of the differences between the Protege-Frames and Protege-OWL capabilities and interfaces.

To convert a Protege-Frames file to a different format:

  1. Select File | Convert Project to Format...

  2. Select the format you want in the Select Format dialog box.

  3. Fill out any required information when requested; see the specific formats for more information.

  4. Click OK.