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Pages using the property "Description"

Showing 50 pages using this property.

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Individual properties contextual assertion +The view offers a more comfortable and advanced way to make individual properties assertions compared to the default Protégé "Property Assertions" view. The view is available from: Window -> Views -> Individual Views -> Properties contextual assertions.  +
Infomed +Infomed es la red de personas e instituciones que trabajan para mejorar el acceso a la información y, por lo tanto, mejorar la salud de los cubanos y de los pueblos del mundo  +
Instance Selection +This plug-in adds both navigation and export features to Protege-Frames. It provides a tree view of the knowledge base as well as allows the selection of instances for data preparation and consequent export in several data mining workbench formats such as Weka and text.  +
InstanceTree +Provides a tree view of frames referenced directly or indirectly by a Protege instance.  +
JSave +JSave can be used to generate Java class definition stubs for Protege-Frames classes.  +
Jambalaya +Jambalaya is a Protege plug-in that uses Shrimp to visualize Protege-Frames and Protege-OWL ontologies.  +
JessTab +JessTab provides a Jess console window where you can interact with Jess while running Protégé.  +
Knowtator +A general-purpose text annotation tool that is integrated with the Protege knowledge representation system.  +
Logical Difference Vizualiser (LogDiffViz) +Logical Difference Visualizer (LogDiffViz) is a plugin for Protege-OWL  +
MESAM +The protégé MESAM plugin is a semi-automatic tool for defining a consistant OWL merged model composed of a generic model, a specific model and mapping between them.  +
Mastro DL-Lite Reasoner +Mastro is an Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) management system. Ontologies in Mastro are specified through languages belonging to the DL-Lite family of lightweight Description Logics. The ontology is connected to external relational data management or data federation systems through a mapping establishing a semantic relation between SQL queries issued over the underlying databases and elements of the ontology. To access data, users can specify SPARQL queries over the ontology and make use of the query answering services provided by Mastro.  +
Matrix +Several spreadsheet-style views of an ontology, including existential fillers, individual relationships, and an object properties view.  +
MetaAnalysis +Calculates various metadata for ontologies and facilitates the export of that metadata to the Ontology Medata Vocabulary.  +
NCI Inc +NCI builds transparent knowledge organization supported by associated ontological technologies and intelligence analysis processes that make innovation a daily way of life.  +
NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science +School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS), National University of Science and Technology (NUST). Located in Islamabad, Pakistan.  +
NaturalOWL +NaturalOWL generates descriptions of individuals and classes from OWL ontologies that have been annotated with linguistic and user modeling resources expressed in RDF. Currently it supports English and Greek.  +
NavigOWL +NavigOWL is a visualization tool which is specially designed to explore the semantic nets a.k.a Ontologies. The Tool is enriched with appealing graph layouts that can be applied over the semantic net in order to understand the structure of Ontologies easily and it facilitates the user to build mental map in more clear and consistent view of ontology graph. The tool supports rdf and owl Ontologies to visualize them.  +
NoHR +NoHR (Nova Hybrid Reasoner) is a plug-in for Protégé that allows its users to query knowledge bases composed of an ontology in OWL 2 EL or OWL 2 QL (from version 2.0.0 on) and a set of Reasoning Rules. Using a top-down reasoning approach, which means that only the part of the ontology and rules that is relevant for the query is actually evaluated, NoHR combines the capabilities of ELK and a dedicated direct translation for OWL 2 EL and OWL 2 QL respectively with the rule engine XSB Prolog to deliver very fast interactive response times.  +
OBDA Systems +OBDA Systems proposes state-of-the-art solutions based on the most recent innovations in the field of semantic technologies to provide its clients with a direct and effective means for extracting key data from large and complex datasets. The foundation of these solutions is representation and reasoning through ontology modelling.  +
OBO Tools +A set of Protege extensions that make it easier for OBO ontology developers to navigate and edit OBO ontologies in OWL.  +
OBOConverter +A tab plugin that converts OBO format ontology files into OWL files using the OBO-to-OWL mapping created by NCBO.  +
OLS2OWL +A query tool for repositories of ontologies. The tool allows to define a repository, either local or remote -via URIs. The tool makes it possible for users to define a query and execute it against the predefined repository  +
OOGIS RL +The Geoinformation Systems Research Laboratory is a department of the St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  +
OPL Plugin +The OPL (Ontology Processing Language) transformation language has been designed as part of the GONG project. It has been adapted to work within Protege 4.x to test what further requirements are needed for ontology transforms.  +
OSGi Debug Plugin +A plugin to debug or learn about OSGi. Thus far it primarily targets issues with class loading.  +
OWL Lint +The OWL Lint framework is designed to be a flexible way to define and run tests against a set of OWL ontologies for quality control, debugging, best practices, and many other purposes.  +
OWL2Query +OWL2Query is a conjunctive query and metaquery engine (for SPARQL-DL and negation as failure), and visualization plug-in. It facilitates creation of queries using SPARQL or intuitive graph-based syntax, and evaluates them using any OWL API-compliant reasoner.  +
OWL2ToRDB +OWL2ToRDB is a Protégé plugin for transforming OWL 2 ontology into relational database.  +
OWL2UML +Automatically generates UML diagram which represents active OWL ontology using OMG's Ontology Definition Metamodel. The plugin has grown into new project called OWLGrEd. Please find out more at http://owlgred.lumii.lv/.  +
OWLAx +Ontology Design Pattern Plugin for Protege. It gives the option to sketch the ontology model within protege and automatically generate axioms from the figure.  +
OWLDiff +A tool for comparing OWL ontologies.  +
OWLDoc +Creates a bundle of (mostly) static HTML pages for publishing to the Web or distributing to colleagues.  +
OWLPropViz +Enables graphical presentation of OWL object properties. Users can select the property or properties to be visualized in the graph. He can choose if the class-axioms "is-a", "disjoint-with" and "equivalent-to" should also be shown.  +
OWLViz +Enables class hierarchies in an OWL ontology to be viewed and incrementally navigated, allowing comparison of the asserted class hierarchy and the inferred class hierarchy.  +
OntoBase +OntoBase can be connected to any relational database- providing access to data, virtually without any programming  +
OntoCheck +The OntoCheck P4 plugin allows to define clean-up checks on a generated owl ontology - e.g. to be stored and carried out before each ontology release. Found test violations can be corrected to foster consistency in entity naming and meta-annotation. Once specified, check-constraints like name patterns can be stored and exchanged for later re-use. The plugin allows the user to specify checks on certain properties of an active ontology (OntoCheck) and allows for improvements (OntoCure) in the areas of a) Metadata completeness, e.g. via cardinality checks on mandatory and optional annotation properties b) Naming Conventions, e.g. via lexical analysis and labeling enforcement for representational units (RU) names and IDs. Thereby this plugin fosters lexical harmonization as e.g. demanded by the OBO Foundry Naming Conventions at http://www.obofoundry.org/wiki/index.php/Naming A paper describing OntoChecks functionalities in more detail can be found at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23046606  +
OntoDebug +OntoDebug is a free and open-source interactive ontology debugger plugin for Protégé to resolve and repair inconsistent and incoherent ontologies.  +
OntoGraf +OntoGraf gives support for interactively navigating the relationships of your OWL ontologies. Various layouts are supported for automatically organizing the structure of your ontology. Different relationships are supported: subclass, individual, domain/range object properties, and equivalence. Relationships and node types can be filtered to help you create the view you desire.  +
OntoLing +Facilitates linguistic enrichment of ontologies and includes an interface for WordNet (from 1.6 to 2.1) and DICT dictionaries. Check the [http://art.uniroma2.it/ontoling/ home page] for further details  +
OntoSpace +Next Generation Software  +
OntoTweet +Provides Twitter timeline and search integration directly into Protege.  +
OntoViz +The OntoViz Tab allows you to visualize Protege ontologies with AT&T's highly sophisticated Graphviz visualization software.  +
Ontology Evaluation +A tab widget plug-in for ontology evaluation from a set of criteria.  +
Ontology Generation Plugin (DOG4DAG) +The ontology generation plug-in includes * Generation of terms from natural language text (English or German) that can be retrieved from PubMed, the Web or from PDF documents * Domain-independent generation of natural language definitions * Discovery of siblings from existing terms with identical parent terms * Prediction of sub-class relationships * Automatic mapping of generated terms to existing ontologies using the BioPortal Web Service or the EBI Ontology Lookup Service  +
OntologyBeanGenerator +The ontology bean generator plugin is a Protégé Tab widget which generates java files representing an ontology that can be used with the JADE environment. With the beangenerator tool you can generate FIPA/JADE compliant ontologies from RDF(S), XML and Protégé projects. This plugin works with both Protégé frames and Protégé OWL ontologies.  +
Ontop +Ontop is a platform to query databases as Virtual RDF Graphs using SPARQL. It's extremely fast and is packed with features. Ontop is an open-source Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) system that allows for querying relational data sources through a conceptual representation of the domain of interest, provided in terms of an ontology, to which the data sources are mapped. Key features of Ontop are its solid theoretical foundations, a virtual approach to OBDA that avoids materializing triples and that is implemented through query rewriting techniques, extensive optimizations exploiting all elements of the OBDA architecture, its compliance to all relevant W3C recommendations (including SPARQL queries, R2RML mappings, and OWL 2 QL and RDFS ontologies), and its support for all major relational databases.  +
OpenMap Tab Plugin +Protege-Frames plug-in for visualizing geodata and creating GIS applications Uses GIS library OpenMap (http://openmap-java.org/)  +
Outline and Existential Tree Views +Provides alternatives to the subsumption hierarchy view.  +
Owl2Cool +Owl2Cool is a tab-widget which provides an interface to Protege users for transorming a given OWL ontology to the object-oriented language COOL. After the transformation it produces in the given path a .clp file which can then be loaded to CLIPS for programming with production rules.  +