by Mariano Rodríguez-Muro, Martin Rezk, Guohui Xiao, Diego Calvanese
Ontop is a platform to query databases as Virtual RDF Graphs using SPARQL. It's extremely fast and is packed with features. Ontop is an open-source Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) system that allows for querying relational data sources through a conceptual representation of the domain of interest, provided in terms of an ontology, to which the data sources are mapped. Key features of Ontop are its solid theoretical foundations, a virtual approach to OBDA that avoids materializing triples and that is implemented through query rewriting techniques, extensive optimizations exploiting all elements of the OBDA architecture, its compliance to all relevant W3C recommendations (including SPARQL queries, R2RML mappings, and OWL 2 QL and RDFS ontologies), and its support for all major relational databases.
[hide]Versions & Compatibility
This section lists available versions of Ontop.
Version | Compatible with | Dependencies |
Ontop 1.15 | Protege-OWL | Org.protege.osgi.jdbc.jar Org.protege.osgi.jdbc.prefs.jar |
If you click on the button below to add a new version of Ontop, you will be asked to define a page title for the new version. Please adhere to the naming convention of Ontop X.X.X when you define the new page!
Version | Changes in this version |
Ontop 1.15 | see page for more details |