PrF UG projects export project

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Exporting a Project

Protege-Frames User's Guide
Creating a Project
Opening a Project
Importing a Project
Saving a Project
Converting a Project's Type
Exporting a Project
Renaming a Project
Setting Preferences
Archiving a Project
Reverting to an Archived Project
Including a Project
Activating an Included Project
Removing an Included Project
Merging an Included Project
Configuring a Project
Project Metrics
Using Undo
Glossary, Editing Help

Exporting a project creates a snapshot of the current version in the selected format, while leaving the Protege-Frames project itself unchanged.

To export a project:

  1. Select File | Export Project... and select the desired format from the cascading menu.

  2. Fill out any necessary information:

    • For CLIPS files, select the name and location for your files. See Exporting to CLIPS for more information.

    • For HTML format, fill in the Export HTML Configuration Options. See Saving an HTML View for more information.

  3. Click OK.