PrF UG projects renaming a project

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Renaming a Project

Protege-Frames User's Guide
Creating a Project
Opening a Project
Importing a Project
Saving a Project
Converting a Project's Type
Exporting a Project
Renaming a Project
Setting Preferences
Archiving a Project
Reverting to an Archived Project
Including a Project
Activating an Included Project
Removing an Included Project
Merging an Included Project
Configuring a Project
Project Metrics
Using Undo
Glossary, Editing Help

To save a Protege project under a new name:

  1. Select File | Save Project As....

  2. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file and enter the new name for the .pprj file in the Project line of the window.

  3. By default, the new names are entered automatically for any additional files in the project (for example, .pont and .pins files for standard text format). However, you can choose to give a different name to these files. You might want to do this, for example, if you are creating a new .pprj file which still accesses the old .pont and .pins file names. In this case, enter the names you want for the .pont and .pins files.

  4. Click OK.

For more information, see the following topics: