PrF UG projects merge included project

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Merging an Included Project

Protege-Frames User's Guide
Creating a Project
Opening a Project
Importing a Project
Saving a Project
Converting a Project's Type
Exporting a Project
Renaming a Project
Setting Preferences
Archiving a Project
Reverting to an Archived Project
Including a Project
Activating an Included Project
Removing an Included Project
Merging an Included Project
Configuring a Project
Project Metrics
Using Undo
Glossary, Editing Help

Merging an included project takes all the frames of the included project and directly incorporates them into the current project. After this, you can edit these frames just like the other frames in your project.

After a merge, the dynamic link to the included project has been broken and any further changes to the project file for the included project will not appear in the current project. The included project no longer appears in the Manage Included Projects dialog box.

To merge an included project:

  1. Select Project | Merge Included Projects.

  2. In the Merge Included Projects dialog box, select the project you want to merge.

    Merge Included Projects dialog
  3. Click OK.