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Topic - Reasoning

Algernon performs forward and backward rule-based processing of frame-based knowledge bases, and efficiently stores and retrieves information in ontologies and knowledge bases.

The ClojureTab uses the Clojure programming language for simple programming in the Protege environment, on-the-fly debugging, and storing programs in Protege projects. Contains: 1. Integrated development environment for Clojure language ( 2. Protege API for Clojure language 3. Rule engine and Expert system shell rete4frames ( 4. Algorithms visual development environment

Dllearner protege plugin.png
The DL-Learner plugin allows learning equivalence and super class axioms based on the instance data in the ontologies loaded in Protégé.

The DroolsTab uses the open source geo-information system Java library OpenMap and the open source Java RETE rule engine Drools to facilitate visual authoring of complex spatial process simulation scenarios and general rule-based authoring. The Groovy and Clojure languages can be used for authoring auxiliary pieces of code and scripts. The distribution includes several demos of spatial simulation in the sea, air, and ground environments, including one example using Edvin Boehn's KML Framework.

[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] ELK
ELK is a free and open source reasoner for the lightweight ontology language OWL 2 EL.
Facilitate acquisition of Protege Axiom Language (PAL) based constraints without having to understand the language itself.
Expert System Shell r4f-pro
Integrated Development Environment for rete4frames rule engine and expert system shell based on Protege-3.5 ontology editor supplemented with visual creation of algorithms. It combines two well-known paradigms of software development: algorithms for strictly defined processes and rules for fuzzy, fragmentarily defined processes and phenomenons.
FuzzyOWL2 (Fuzzy OWL 2) is a plugin for Protege 4.1 that allows users to edit, save Fuzzy OWL 2 ontologies, and submit queries to the underlying inference engine FuzzyDL.
HERAKLES Screenshot.jpg
The HERAKLES plug-in provides an extension to Protégé 4 to use the HERAKLES reasoning broker framework.
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] HermiT
HermiT is a reasoner for ontologies written using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Given an OWL file, HermiT can determine whether or not the ontology is consistent, identify subsumption relationships between classes, and much more.
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] HyperMod
HyperMod is a module extraction tool based on reachability in hypergraphs. These modules are similar to syntactic locality based modules but has the potential of being substantially smaller.
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] IDESSP
Integrated development environment for visual creation and simulation of spatial processes.

Based on ontology editor Protege-frames, GIS library OpenMap and rule engine and expert system shell rete4frames. Uses concept of "Scenario" for describing spatial processes and programming language Clojure for executive parts of rules and auxilliary scripts. Includes general IDE for Clojure.

Individual properties contextual assertion
The view offers a more comfortable and advanced way to make individual properties assertions compared to the default Protégé "Property Assertions" view.

The view is available from: Window -> Views -> Individual Views -> Properties contextual assertions.

JessTab provides a Jess console window where you can interact with Jess while running Protégé.
The protégé MESAM plugin is a semi-automatic tool for defining a consistant OWL merged model composed of a generic model, a specific model and mapping between them.
Mastro DL-Lite Reasoner.png
Mastro DL-Lite Reasoner
Mastro is an Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) management system. Ontologies in Mastro are specified through languages belonging to the DL-Lite family of lightweight Description Logics. The ontology is connected to external relational data management or data federation systems through a mapping establishing a semantic relation between SQL queries issued over the underlying databases and elements of the ontology. To access data, users can specify SPARQL queries over the ontology and make use of the query answering services provided by Mastro.
NoHR (Nova Hybrid Reasoner) is a plug-in for Protégé that allows its users to query knowledge bases composed of an ontology in OWL 2 EL or OWL 2 QL (from version 2.0.0 on) and a set of Reasoning Rules.

Using a top-down reasoning approach, which means that only the part of the ontology and rules that is relevant for the query is actually evaluated, NoHR combines the capabilities of ELK and a dedicated direct translation for OWL 2 EL and OWL 2 QL respectively with the rule engine XSB Prolog to deliver very fast interactive response times.

[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] Ontop
Ontop is a platform to query databases as Virtual RDF Graphs using SPARQL. It's extremely fast and is packed with features. Ontop is an open-source Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) system that allows for querying relational data sources through a conceptual representation of the domain of interest, provided in terms of an ontology, to which the data sources are mapped. Key features of Ontop are its solid theoretical foundations, a virtual approach to OBDA that avoids materializing triples and that is implemented through query rewriting techniques, extensive optimizations exploiting all elements of the OBDA architecture, its compliance to all relevant W3C recommendations (including SPARQL queries, R2RML mappings, and OWL 2 QL and RDFS ontologies), and its support for all major relational databases.
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] Owl2Cool
Owl2Cool is a tab-widget which provides an interface to Protege users for transorming a given OWL ontology to the object-oriented language COOL. After the transformation it produces in the given path a .clp file which can then be loaded to CLIPS for programming with production rules.
PSM Librarian
Supports users in building knowledge-based applications out of reusable knowledge components known as Problem-Solving Methods (PSMs).
Protege Axiom Language (PAL) Tabs
Express constraints about a knowledge base and make logical queries about the contents of a knowledge base
The RacerPro Plugin for Protégé offers reasoning functionality to Protégé 4.x. Once installed the plugin downloads a special but free version of the RacerPro inference server (aka "RacerProTG") and adds RacerPro to the "Reasoner" menu.
SWRL-IQ wine-properties.png
SWRL-IQ (Semantic Web Rule Language Inference and Query tool) is a plugin for Protege 3.4.x that allows users to edit, save, and submit queries to an underlying inference engine based on XSB Prolog.
The SWRLTab is a Protégé plugin that provides a development environment for working with SWRL rules and SQWRL queries.

Documentation for the Protégé 5-based version can be found (here)[1].

Documentation for the Protégé 3-based version of the SWRLTab can be found (here)[2].

[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] Snorocket
Snorocket for Protege is a Java implementation of the polynomial classification algorithm described by Baader et al in Pushing the EL Envelope and packaged for use as a reasoner in Protege.

Snorocket is capable of classifying SNOMED CT in under 1 minute.

Snow Owl
Snow Owl is a free SNOMED CT browser and authoring tool integrating Protégé.