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Pages using the property "Description"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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ELK +ELK is a free and open source reasoner for the lightweight ontology language OWL 2 EL.  +
EZPal +Facilitate acquisition of Protege Axiom Language (PAL) based constraints without having to understand the language itself.  +
EasyDB +EasyDB is a Protege tab plug-in that allows for easy exporting and importing of a Protege ontology. This plug-in also comes with a relationship viewer which can be used to quickly asses relationships between instances in the ontology. The ontology is stored using the Jena database storage schema. This was selected for its support of SWRL rules, which all other database storage mechanisms investigated did not support.  +
EditorPane +Supports HTML text and also has a dynamic hyperlink detector for internal and external links.  +
EditorPanePlain +Supports HTML text and has dynamic hyperlink detection. This plug-in does not always write HTML to your knowledge base. You can use it when you want your knowledge base to contain plain text, but display hyperlinks in the user interface.  +
Excel Import +Import content and generate classes from Excel or CSV files. Provide rules to create restrictions between columns. Find it under the Tabs menu.  +
Expert System Shell r4f-pro +Integrated Development Environment for rete4frames rule engine and expert system shell based on Protege-3.5 ontology editor supplemented with visual creation of algorithms. It combines two well-known paradigms of software development: algorithms for strictly defined processes and rules for fuzzy, fragmentarily defined processes and phenomenons.  +
Filas1991 +The Intelligent Systems research group (University of Minho ISLab) has the vision that intelligent solutions should focus on being useful to the environment where they are integrated. Thus, Intelligent Systems are seen as a way of promoting innovation and providing solutions, to society and institutions, in real domains. Currently, the group engages in projects of various kinds, from Computational Sustainability to Ambient Intelligence, in which well-being and sustainability are areas that stand out.  +
Filas1991 +The Intelligent Systems research group (UMinho - ISLab) has the vision that intelligent solutions should focus on being useful to the environment where they are integrated. Thus, Intelligent Systems are seen as a way of promoting innovation and providing solutions, to society and institutions, in real domains. Currently, the group engages in projects of various kinds, from Computational Sustainability to Ambient Intelligence, in which well-being and sustainability are areas that stand out.  +
FuzzyOWL2 +FuzzyOWL2 (Fuzzy OWL 2) is a plugin for Protege 4.1 that allows users to edit, save Fuzzy OWL 2 ontologies, and submit queries to the underlying inference engine FuzzyDL.  +
Genome Alberta +A publicly funded not-for-profit corporation that initiates, funds, and manages genomics research and partnerships. Genome Alberta strives to be the leading source of information and administration related to genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and bioethics research in Alberta. We are dedicated to informing students, researchers, research organizations, our partners, and the public regarding opportunities and challenges in genomics and proteomics, and in encouraging the development of a Life Sciences research industry in Alberta.  +
Genome Canada +Genome Canada - a not-for-profit organization established in February 2000 - was given a mandate by the Government of Canada to develop and implement a national strategy for supporting large-scale genomics and proteomics research projects, for the benefit of all Canadians.  +
HERAKLES +The HERAKLES plug-in provides an extension to Protégé 4 to use the HERAKLES reasoning broker framework.  +
HTML Chat +Allows users logged into a client-server version of Protege to chat in real time. Supports HTML-style editing (Bold, Italics, Underline, Strikethrough) along with dynamic hyperlink detections and internal link detections.  +
HermiT +HermiT is a reasoner for ontologies written using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Given an OWL file, HermiT can determine whether or not the ontology is consistent, identify subsumption relationships between classes, and much more.  +
Hewett Research +Hewett Research is a consulting firm specializing in rapid construction of ontologies and knowledge bases.  +
HyperMod +HyperMod is a module extraction tool based on reachability in hypergraphs. These modules are similar to syntactic locality based modules but has the potential of being substantially smaller.  +
HypergraphDB Plugin and Server +An approach to Team Collaboration and Version Control for OWL2 Ontologies developed and used at Miami-Dade County. * Work with database backed ontologies * Track all changes * Collaborate on shared ontologies Supports share, checkout, commit, update, rollback, revert, view history, automatic Merge and conflict resolution. Versioning takes place above the OWLAPI layer (not text based). See a [http://sharegov.org/protegehgdb/HGOWLScreencast3.mp4 5 min Screencast here(HQ)] or [https://www.dropbox.com/s/d3utn88ow8ywqf3/HGOWL%20Screencast3.mp4 here(LQ)]. Homepage: http://sharegov.org/#!../protegehgdb/owltools.html  +
IDESSP +Integrated development environment for visual creation and simulation of spatial processes. Based on ontology editor Protege-frames, GIS library OpenMap and rule engine and expert system shell rete4frames. Uses concept of "Scenario" for describing spatial processes and programming language Clojure for executive parts of rules and auxilliary scripts. Includes general IDE for Clojure.  +
IRIS +IRIS is a wrapper, which is developed as a Protege plug-in, to solve an increasingly important problem: extracting information from the product descriptions provided by online sources and structuring this information so that is sharable among business entities, software agents and search engines. Extracted product information is presented in a GoodRelations-compliant ontology. IRIS also automatically marks up your products using RDFa or Microdata. Creating GoodRelations snippets in RDFa or Microdata using the product information extracted from Web is a business value, especially when you consider most of the popular search engines recommend the use of these standards to provide rich site data for their index.  +
Individual properties contextual assertion +The view offers a more comfortable and advanced way to make individual properties assertions compared to the default Protégé "Property Assertions" view. The view is available from: Window -> Views -> Individual Views -> Properties contextual assertions.  +
Infomed +Infomed es la red de personas e instituciones que trabajan para mejorar el acceso a la información y, por lo tanto, mejorar la salud de los cubanos y de los pueblos del mundo  +
Instance Selection +This plug-in adds both navigation and export features to Protege-Frames. It provides a tree view of the knowledge base as well as allows the selection of instances for data preparation and consequent export in several data mining workbench formats such as Weka and text.  +
InstanceTree +Provides a tree view of frames referenced directly or indirectly by a Protege instance.  +
JSave +JSave can be used to generate Java class definition stubs for Protege-Frames classes.  +