From Protege Wiki
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Pages using the property "Screenshot"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
A | |
Advanced Annotation Search + | annotationsearchscreenshot.png + |
Algernon + | Algernon.jpg + |
Annotation Search View + | Annotation-search.png + |
Annotation Template View + | Annotate.png + |
Axiomé + | Axiome-screenshot.png + |
B | |
Bayesian Network Tab (BNTab) + | BNTab_UI.PNG + |
BeanshellView + | P4-scripting-UI.png + |
BioPortal Import Plugin + | BPImportPlugin.png + |
BioPortal Reference Plugin + | BioPortalReferencePlugin.png + |
Bookmarks + | Bookmark-annot.png + |
C | |
Cardinality View + | Protege4CoOdePluginCardinality.png + |
Change View + | Change.png + |
ChangeAnalysisTab + | Term_changes.png + |
Changes Tab + | ChangesTab.png + |
ClojureTab + | ClojureTabGUI.png + |
Cloud Views + | Cloud.png + |
Collaborative Protege + | collabProtege_entityNotes.png + |
CompGuide Editor + | Compguide.jpg + |
D | |
DISCOWordSpaces + | screenshot-DiscoWordSpaces.png + |
DL Query + | Dlquery.png + |
DL-Learner + | dllearner_protege_plugin.png + |
DataMaster + | DataMaster_screenshot.png + |
DroolsTab + | DroolsTabScene-5.0.png + |
E | |
EZPal + | EZPal.jpg + |
EditorPane + | EditorPaneWidget3.jpg + |