PrF UG intro using help

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Using this Guide

Protege-Frames User's Guide
Intoductory Topics
Using this Guide
What is Protege?
What is Protege-Frames?
Planning a Project
A Newspaper Example
Extending Protege
Glossary, Editing Help

The Protege-Frames User's Guide documents how to use Protege-Frames, an integrated knowledge-base development and management system. These pages include descriptions of the user interface, along with step-by-step instructions for completing specific tasks. Screenshots of a Newspaper Example are used to illustrate the explanations through most of this guide's pages.


We assume that you are familiar with your operating-system platform and with using an Internet browser. You can navigate among topics by using your browser's Back and Forward buttons, or by using the list of top-level topics in the left-hand frame.

Each of the Guide's topics (e.g., Protege-Frames subsystems) has an initial "index" page that lists all pages associated with that topics. There is also a "global" index page.

At the bottom of every page, there is a Next link. By following these links, you can visit every page. On all but the initial page, there are Prev and Up links. Clicking on the Prev link will take you to the "previous" page in the document. Clicking on the Up link will take you to the relevant index page.

OS Conventions

In most cases where Microsoft Windows uses the Control key, Apple's Mac OS X uses the Command key. To help remind you of this fact, we use the following wording:

Ctrl (Cmd)