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Topic - Import
BioPortal Import Plugin | |
The BioPortal Import Plugin allows users to import classes from external ontologies stored in the BioPortal ontology repository. The user can import entire trees of classes with a desired depth and choose which properties to import for each class. This plugin works with Protege 3.x releases, not Protege 4.x. |
BioPortal Reference Plugin | |
The BioPortal Reference Plugin allows the user to insert into the ontology references to external ontologies and terminologies stored in BioPortal. |
DataMaster | |
DataMaster is a Protege plug-in for importing schema structure and data from relational databases into Protege. |
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] | EasyDB |
EasyDB is a Protege tab plug-in that allows for easy exporting and importing of a Protege ontology. This plug-in also comes with a relationship viewer which can be used to quickly asses relationships between instances in the ontology.
The ontology is stored using the Jena database storage schema. This was selected for its support of SWRL rules, which all other database storage mechanisms investigated did not support. |
Excel Import | |
Import content and generate classes from Excel or CSV files. Provide rules to create restrictions between columns. Find it under the Tabs menu. |
Mastro DL-Lite Reasoner | |
Mastro is an Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) management system. Ontologies in Mastro are specified through languages belonging to the DL-Lite family of lightweight Description Logics. The ontology is connected to external relational data management or data federation systems through a mapping establishing a semantic relation between SQL queries issued over the underlying databases and elements of the ontology. To access data, users can specify SPARQL queries over the ontology and make use of the query answering services provided by Mastro. |
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] | OBOConverter |
A tab plugin that converts OBO format ontology files into OWL files using the OBO-to-OWL mapping created by NCBO. |
OntoBase | |
OntoBase can be connected to any relational database- providing access to data, virtually without any programming |
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] | Ontop |
Ontop is a platform to query databases as Virtual RDF Graphs using SPARQL. It's extremely fast and is packed with features. Ontop is an open-source Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) system that allows for querying relational data sources through a conceptual representation of the domain of interest, provided in terms of an ontology, to which the data sources are mapped. Key features of Ontop are its solid theoretical foundations, a virtual approach to OBDA that avoids materializing triples and that is implemented through query rewriting techniques, extensive optimizations exploiting all elements of the OBDA architecture, its compliance to all relevant W3C recommendations (including SPARQL queries, R2RML mappings, and OWL 2 QL and RDFS ontologies), and its support for all major relational databases. |
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] | Owl2Cool |
Owl2Cool is a tab-widget which provides an interface to Protege users for transorming a given OWL ontology to the object-oriented language COOL. After the transformation it produces in the given path a .clp file which can then be loaded to CLIPS for programming with production rules. |
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] | RDF Backend |
Create, import, and save RDF(S) files. Please note that this back-end was developed specifically for frame-based ontologies (not OWL). |
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] | UML Backend |
The UML back-end plug-in provides an import and export mechanism between the Protege knowledge model and the object-oriented modeling language UML. |
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] | XMI Backend |
XMI is a standard format for metadata exchange supported by OMG, the group that is responsible for standards such as UML, CORBA, and the Common Warehouse Metamodel. If you are a looking for alternative mechanisms to access Protege knowledge models (ontologies) from your application, data warehouse, or metadata repository, this back-end might be interesting for you. |
XML Tab | |
The XML Tab enables users to import an XML document into Protege, creating a set of classes and instances in a knowledge base which correspond to the entries in the XML document. |
[[Image:|thumb|170px|center]] | XML2OWL |
This plugin allows for the mapping of new XML data to an existing OWL ontology through Protege. Mappings
are carried out according to user-provided rules, and result in new individuals and axioms in the ontology. |