User:David Chasteen
I am an Enterprise Information Architect who is fascinated by the rise of semantic technology and its potential in any enterprise. I am migrating our enterprise models into the model forms used for different purposes. I am using Protege 2000 to be the glue across modeling forms and methodologies as well as being the fundamental semantic model used for a variety of enterprise purposes.
I can only participate openly as an individual. Anything I say or do will not reflect the beliefs of the company I work for. I want to participate in the open source development of Protege 2000, first by bringing the 4.1 documentation up-to-date, and then by explaining how it can be used within an enterprise.
I have 2 kids, a boy (b. 2001) and a girl (b. 2006) who I want to give experiences, knowledge, and skills to have a full and rich life in the coming information and global age. I enjoy hiking, biking, kayaking, and swimming in natural waters. I am fascinated by the future and technology.