Protege Web Browser
Protege Web Browser
Summary Description
The Protege Web Browser is a Java-based Web application that allows you to share, browse, and do some basic editing of Protege knowledge bases via the World Wide Web. You can upload Protege projects (provided your server is configured to allow uploads) and view them via a Web browser. Additional functionality includes the ability to execute text-based searches of Protege knowledge bases (see the String Search Tab for more details) and interaction with clickable graphs generated from the Protege graph widget.
Level of Support
This application is no longer actively maintained or supported. We have kept this Wiki page in existence because we like to have historical records of the various extensions that have been developed for the Protege platform. It is also possible for developers to use the source code for this application as a starting point if they are interested in developing something that offers similar functionality.
Download Information
Please note that this application is now very outdated. The last version of Protege that this was tested against was Protege-Frames 3.0.
The Protege Web Browser is bundled with the "full" installation of Protege 3.0, which can be downloaded from the Protege Web site. During the download process, choose "Everything" on the "Choose Components" screen.
Once you have completed the download, you will find the Protege Web Browser application in the following directory:
The source code for the Protege Web Browser is housed in the Protege Subversion repository. It can be browsed with ViewVC at the following URL:
... or, it can be downloaded with a Subversion client using this URL: