
From Protege Wiki
Revision as of 15:43, August 8, 2017 by Csnyulas (talk | contribs) (Changed Protege to Protégé (This page still needs lots of updates, including fixing or removing all the broken links))

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Protégé is a free, open-source platform that provides a growing user community with a suite of tools to construct domain models and knowledge-based applications with ontologies. At its core, Protégé implements a rich set of knowledge-modeling structures and actions that support the creation, visualization, and manipulation of ontologies in various representation formats. Protege can be customized to provide domain-friendly support for creating knowledge models and entering data. Further, Protege can be extended by way of a plug-in architecture and a Java-based Application Programming Interface (API) for building knowledge-based tools and applications.

The Protégé platform supports two main ways of modeling ontologies via the Protege-Frames and Protege-OWL editors.

Protege Overview:
Protege-Frames Overview:
Protege-OWL Overview:
Protege User Documentation:
Protege Developer Documentation: