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Type Reasoner, Tab Widget
Author(s) Nuno Costa, Vadim Ivanov, Matthias Knorr, João Leite
Last Update October 1, 2015
License Mozilla Public License 2.0
Homepage NoHR website
For Application

NoHR (Nova Hybrid Reasoner) is a plug-in for Protégé that allows its users to query knowledge bases composed of an ontology in OWL 2 EL or OWL 2 QL (from version 2.0.0 on) and a set of Reasoning Rules.

Using a top-down reasoning approach, which means that only the part of the ontology and rules that is relevant for the query is actually evaluated, NoHR combines the capabilities of ELK and a dedicated direct translation for OWL 2 EL and OWL 2 QL respectively with the rule engine XSB Prolog to deliver very fast interactive response times.

Versions & Compatibility

This section lists available versions of NoHR.

VersionCompatible withDependencies
NoHR 2.0.0Protege-OWL 5.0.0XSB Prolog
NoHR 1.0.0Protege-OWL 4.3XSB Prolog

If you click on the button below to add a new version of NoHR, you will be asked to define a page title for the new version. Please adhere to the naming convention of NoHR X.X.X when you define the new page!


VersionChanges in this version
NoHR 2.0.0Complete revamp for performance improvements, new support of the OWL 2 QL profile in addition to OWL 2 EL, and a new rule parser for improved rule edition and querying.
NoHR 1.0.0Initial Release of NoHR for querying combinations of OWL 2 EL ontologies (as admitted in the ELK 0.4.0 libraries) and non-monotonic rules in an easy-to-read declarative rule language.

Further information can be obtained from the webpage or from the papers at ISWC 2013 and at ISWC 2015.