Main Page
From Protege Wiki
Revision as of 12:14, February 21, 2014 by TaniaTudorache (talk | contribs)
WebProtégé - a powerful collaborative ontology development environment for the Web
Protégé Desktop - a fully-fledged OWL 2 ontology editor for the desktops
Welcome to the Protégé wiki!
Protégé is a free, open-source platform that provides a growing user community with a suite of tools to construct domain models and knowledge-based applications with ontologies.
User Documentation
- Overview
- User's Guide
- Administrator's Guide - download and installation instructions
- Use WebProtégé now on our Stanford-hosted server:
Protégé Desktop
- Protégé Desktop (versions 4.x and higher)
- Previous Protégé Desktop releases (version 3.x)
- What's new in Protégé Desktop (comparison between versions 3 and 4)
Ontology Development
- Ontology Development 101: A Guide to creating your first ontology
- Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group's Semantic Web Tutorials page
- Protégé OWL Tutorial: A step-by-step guide to modeling in OWL using the popular Protégé OWL tools
Developer Documentation
Protégé Desktop
- Protégé Desktop 5.x
- Protégé Desktop 4.x
- Protégé Desktop 3.x
- Using and configuring Protégé's Ant build scripts
- Guide to Quality Assurance
Download and Support
To download Protégé or WebProtégé please visit our homepage. To use the WebProtégé server hosted at Stanford, please go to:
To find out about the different support options, for example, how to subscribe to our mailing lists, please visit the Support page.
Wiki Help
If you are new to using a Wiki, please see the Help page page for links to User's Guides, etc.
The Help page also has suggestions for where to find help with using the Protégé application.