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Revision as of 12:14, January 1, 2012 by Reginald Ford (talk | contribs)

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Type Tab Widget
Author(s) Daniel Elenius, Susanne Riehemann, Reginald Ford
Last Update January 1, 2012
License not available
Homepage SWRL-IQ website
For Application

SWRL-IQ (Semantic Web Rule Language Inference and Query tool) is a plugin for Protege 3.4.x that allows users to edit, save, and submit queries to an underlying inference engine based on XSB Prolog.

Versions & Compatibility

This section lists available versions of SWRL-IQ.

VersionCompatible withDependencies
SWRL-IQ 1.1bProtege 3.5XSB Prolog
SWRL-IQ 1.1Protege-OWL 3.4XSB Prolog
SWRL-IQ 1.0Protege-OWL 3.4XSB Prolog

If you click on the button below to add a new version of SWRL-IQ, you will be asked to define a page title for the new version. Please adhere to the naming convention of SWRL-IQ X.X.X when you define the new page!


VersionChanges in this version
SWRL-IQ 1.1bNow works with Protege 3.5 beta.
SWRL-IQ 1.1The Reload KB check box is gone. SWRL-IQ now reloads the KB only when needed, and only re-loads the changed bits of the KB, which is much faster.
SWRL-IQ 1.0Initial release


SWRL-IQ has a number of features that distinguishes it from other query and reasoning tools, such as the Protege SQWRLQueryTab supported by the Jess rule engine:

  • Goal-oriented backward-chaining Prolog-style reasoning (as opposed to the forward-chaining paradigm used by Jess and the Protege SWRL Bridge framework).
  • Constraint-solving based on CLP(R) (Constraint Logic Programming with Reals). This allows for more declarative and powerful rules and queries.
  • Saving query results to XML or CSV format.
  • Tracing and debugging inference results.
  • Exporting query results in different formats.
  • No dependency on proprietary or closed-source components. Uses XSB Prolog, which is freely available under the LGPL license.
SWRL-IQ also has powerful SWRL extensions and a Java procedural attachment mechanism, similar to what the Jess query tab supports.