A free, open-source Protégé-OWL plug-in for SWRL rules elicitation and management.
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Axiomé is developed as a Protégé-OWL plug-in and has five main functional areas. These are available as sub-tabs within the plug-in:
- Rule Graph tab that provides a graph structure to browse and explore the SWRL rule base
- Rule Visualization tab to visualize individual rules
- Rule Paraphrasing tab that displays an English-like text explanation for each rule
- Rule Categorization tab to automatically categorize rules in a rule base
- Rule Elicitation tab that provides a graphical templates to acquire new rules based on analysis of existing rules in a rule base.
A Rule Browser component is permanently displayed to show a tree-table representation of the SWRL rules in an ontology. This tree-table enables users to explore the rule base and launch any of five sub-tabs for the rule or group being explored.
The Axiomé plug-in is available and installed as one of the Protégé default plug-ins from version 3.4.2 of Protégé. To activate Axiomé, it should be checked in Project -> Configure -> Tab Widgets. To install Axiomé for older versions of Protégé, download Axiomé and unzip the zip file in the "plugins" folder in the Protégé directory.
- Saeed Hassanpour, Martin J. O'Connor, Amar K. Das, “Visualizing Logical Dependencies in SWRL Rule Bases”, Fourth International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML), Washington, DC, 2010.
- Saeed Hassanpour, Martin J. O'Connor, Amar K. Das, “A Software Tool for Visualizing, Managing and Eliciting SWRL Rules”, Seventh Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Heraklion, Greece, 2010.
- Saeed Hassanpour, Martin J. O'Connor, Amar K. Das, “Exploration of SWRL Rule Bases through Visualization, Paraphrasing, and Categorization of Rules”, Third International Symposium on Rules, Applications and Interoperability (RuleML), Las Vegas, NV, 2009.
- Saeed Hassanpour, Martin J. O'Connor, Amar K. Das, “A Rule Management and Elicitation Tool for SWRL Rule Bases”, Third International Rule Challenge at RuleML, Las Vegas, NV, 2009.
- Saeed Hassanpour, Martin J. O'Connor, Amar K. Das, “Axiomé: a Tool for the Elicitation and Management of SWRL Rules”, OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED), Chantilly, VA, 2009.
- Slides from the talk at RuleML2010.
- Slides from the talk at RuleML2009.
Source Code
Axiomé is open source and all of its source code is bundled with the Protege-OWL source code. This source code is available for download from the Protege-OWL Subversion Repository.
How can I get help?
Questions and comments on Axiomé should be sent to the Protege-OWL mailing list (protege-owl at lists dot stanford dot edu). This list is monitored by the developers of Axiomé.