WebProtege 2.0 Beta Release Notes

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WebProtege 2.0 Beta

Screenshot of OBO-specific widgets - new in 2.0 beta!

We are very excited to announce WebProtege 2.0 beta! We're looking for feedback on this new version of WebProtege, currently available for viewing on our demo servers here at Stanford:


Please submit feedback to the protege-discussion mailing list. A downloadable WAR file and source code for 2.0 beta will be available soon.

Release Highlights

This section describes changes relative to WebProtege 0.5

  • WebProtege now supports OWL 2 ontologies, thus allowing users to take full advantage of WebProtege's collaboration capabilities to develop OWL 2 ontologies in a distributed way.
  • Users can now upload OBO Format ontologies and edit them collaboratively. When a user opens an OBO Format ontology, the user interface is custom-tailored with a set of OBO-specific widgets that makes it easier to edit OBO term metadata. All of WebProtege's collaboration capabilities are available for use with OBO Format ontologies.
  • WebProtege now has a content management system. Users can log in and upload their ontologies to the server, edit them, invite collaborators to contribute, and set permissions for collaborators (who can then view, edit, or make comments).

Release Notes

June 4, 2012