Protege 5 Development Environment

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Setting Up the Protege 4 Server Development Environment

Install From Svn and Server Startup

First checkout the development tree

     svn checkout

If you are using eclipse this will become your eclipse project later.

Some of the following directions will seem a little strange because at the moment the server is started by starting the junits. This will be fixed presently. As a consequence of this, before you run the ant targets you will need to go into org.protege.owl.server.junit, copy the to and configure settings that work with your database. All that needs to be set up is the database url, the user name and the password:


MySQL and PostGreSQL databases should work.

Now there are a couple of ant tasks that are available:

  • install installs the Protege client and server in the subdirectory build/Protege.
  • run.server builds and runs the server. As part of this target the install target is also built.
  • debug.server builds and runs the server with debugging turned on at port 8500.
  • run.database.manager runs the database manager which will allow one to copy owl ontologies into the database. Ontologies in the database will automatically become available on the server

After the install step, a copy of the client and the server is put in the directory build/Protege. When the server is running, this client can be used to connect to the server and edit the shared ontologies.

Setting up Eclipse

To set up eclipse,

  1. unzip the file.
  2. start eclipse using protege.server as the workspace.
  3. import the projects (File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects Into Workspace).

This eclipse workspace will come with a couple of runnables:

  • Client starts the Protege OWL Client.
  • Server not working yet for some reason.
  • ConnectToAntServer connects to the "ant debug.server" script for debugging.