PrF UG forms string widgets
Additional String Widgets
There are a number of additional widget types available for String widgets.
Single Cardinality String Widgets
The following widgets are available for a String field of Single cardinality. These widgets can be chosen by selecting a String widget at the Forms tab and then selecting the desired widget from the Widget Type menu:
Displays the string entry field as a yellow sticky note.
Displays the entry field as a text area - useful for extensive strings.
Identical in appearance to the default TextStringWidget, but verifies that the entered string is a unique value, i.e., it is not the same value at any other instance.
Allows the user to enter and display a URL.
Entering a URL and pressing Enter/Return
or clicking Home ()
loads the URL into the field.
Clicking View in Browser
opens the URL in the default browser.
Allows the user to enter the path to an image. Pressing Enter/Return loads the image.
Multiple Cardinality String Widgets
The following widget is available for a String field of Multiple cardinality.
Allows the user to enter a list of URLs; checks to see that the syntax of the entered string is a valid URL, but does not verify that the URL is available. See Using a ResourceListWidget for more information.