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iCat Linearization


  • Linearization in iCat allows the same entity to be a child of two parents, but only counted as a child of one parent for particular purposes.
  • For example, Bacterial Pneumonia is both an infection and a respiratory disease. The same code can be used to describe this disease, but have different parents depending on whether the same code could be used for a particular disease, but have different parents depending on if it is entered for the purpose of morbidity or for mortality.
  • This directly affects the way in which statistics are aggregated under particular categories. In some cases (say a classification of morbidity) we might want to classify Bacterial Pneumonia as a disease. In that case, all incidents of Bacterial Pneumonia add one count to the tally of all diseases. If we were more interested in infections, then each case of Bacterial Pneumonia could be counted as an infection.

Using Linearization in iCat

1. Begin by signing in to iCat.

2. Now go to the ICD Content tab and browse to a category you would like to add another parent to.


3. Click on the Classification Properties tab in the group next to the main panel.


4. Select the use of the Linearization by selecting that row in the bottom table. Note that here we have selected Research as our 'type' of linearization.


5. Now add the new parent by clicking on the Linearization Parent cell next to your selection. This will bring up a window allowing you to select the parent.


6. Select the new parent in this tree view by browsing to it and clicking select. Here we have selected code B98 as our parent for research purposes.


7. The category now has a new parent category for research purposes.

