How Owl 2.0 Imports Work

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OWL 2.0 Imports

Under Construction!


In OWL 2, imports are handled differently than they are in OWL 1.0. There have been two main changes

  • added support for versions of an ontology
  • using import by location rather than import by name.

The motivation for the first of these changes is pretty clear. OWL 2.0 supports versions by allowing an ontology can have two IRI's in its name. The first IRI is the ontology IRI. The second name is the version IRI for the ontology. In many cases the version IRI will be null. But when the version IRI is not null, this will mean that the ontology is a specific version of the ontology.

Thus for example, I might have an ontology that I am working on which I call

After a while I start needing versions of this ontology, so I create an ontology with an ontology IRI

and a version IRI

A later published verion of this ontology might have the version IRI

The scheme by which these versions are named is not defined by the OWL 2.0 specification.

The intent is that these IRI's can be used to look up an ontology. If an ontology has a version IRI then following the version IRI using specified protocol should retrieve the ontology with that version. Thus version 1.0 of the determinants ontology can be found at the web location

Following the ontology IRI, e.g.

should retrieve the latest version of that ontology (which may or may not have a version IRI).

When importing, these two names allow ontology developers to specify which version of an ontology they want to import. The can specify a version of an ontology by importing the ontology version IRI. They can specify the latest version of an ontology by importing the ontology IRI.

The second change to OWL 2.0 imports is the main subject of this note. OWL 2.0 uses an import by location scheme rather than the import by name scheme used in OWL 1.0. This simply means that an import declaration is a directive to import the ontology that can be found at the physical location represented by the imported IRI. The reason that OWL 2.0 changed to import by location is that in many cases ontologies cannot be found by name. This meant that many owl ontologies could not use the import by name scheme to do their imports because then there would be no way for applications or users to find the imported ontology. With import by location, the importing ontology always states where the imported ontology can be found.

Offline Editing and XML Catalogs

The disadvantage of the import by location scheme is that it adds a bit of complexity when a user wants to download some ontologies from the internet and either edit them on the hard drive or work with them while offline. To make this concrete suppose that there are two ontologies on the internet which are located on the web at the location


Suppose that the determinants.owl ontology imports the continuedFractions.owl ontology with the following import declaration


If the user downloads these ontologies to his disk and invokes an ontology editing tool on the determinants.owl ontology, the the ontology editing tool will naturally import the continuedFractions.owl ontology from its web site at

If the user wants to the import of continuedFractions.owl to redirect to the version of the continuedFractions.owl ontology on the users local disk, the user needs to use XML Catalogs. XML Catalogs allow the user to specify that the process of resolving the URL


be redirected to a specific location on the local drive. For users who are familiar with Protege 3.4 ontology repositories, the XML catalog will play a very similar role as the .repository files in Protege 3.4. The big advantage of XML catalogs is that they are a standard mechanism that can be used by any tool that understands OWL.

Thus XML Catalogs will become an essential part of sharing ontologies. It is therefore important that tools support a variety of mechanisms for generating XML Catalogs.

Building XML Catalogs

In this section, we will consider the problem of automatically generating XML catalogs. The user has or about to download some ontologies from the internet and would like to have an xml catalog configured for these ontologies. The problem is to generate a many to one mapping that takes an IRI representing the location of an ontology on the web to

At download

Using XML Base

Using the Ontology IRI or Version IRI

Using a quick guess for the Ontology IRI or Version IRI

Comparing offline ontologies with their online version