Graph Widget Upgrade from 3.3 to 3.4

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Revision as of 14:30, June 11, 2009 by JenniferVendetti (talk | contribs) (Troubleshoot node labels)

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Upgrading projects that use the graph widget from Protege 3.3 to 3.4

This wiki article documents the process for upgrading Protege projects that use the graph widget from Protege 3.3 to Protege 3.4. Please note that this article is only applicable to OWL projects. If your project uses Frames, you do not need to perform any extra steps to upgrade.

Protege's OWL support underwent major changes between the 3.3 and 3.4 releases. Overall, these changes are extremely positive and allow for much faster parsing, improved namespace handling, direct connection to the Pellet reasoner, etc. One side-effect of these changes however, is an incompatibility between versions in the way the graph widget reads and stores configuration data. If you have a project in Protege 3.3, it is not possible to simply open your project in 3.4 and have the graph widget function as expected. You must perform a series of manual steps (outlined below) to modify your 3.3 project in such a way that the graph widget will function properly in 3.4.


  • Protege 3.4.1 or above.
  • Please back up your work before proceeding.
  • Please make sure to perform all the steps below as described.

Create a .forms file in Protege 3.3

  • Open your project in Protege 3.3.
  • Select OWL | Preferences... to launch the OWL Preferences dialog.
  • In the dialog, check the "Save forms to .forms file" checkbox (located at the bottom of the dialog).
  • Click the Close button to dismiss the dialog.
  • Save your project, and exit Protege.

Remove the .forms file in Protege 3.4.1

  • Open your project in Protege 3.4.1 (or higher).
  • Select OWL | Preferences... to launch the OWL Preferences dialog.
  • In the Preferences dialog, uncheck the "Save forms to .forms file" checkbox.
  • Click the Close button to dismiss the dialog and save your project.

Fix connector slots

The creation and subsequent removal of a .forms file in the previous steps fixes all but one issue, which must be repaired manually. The graph widget is not able to retrieve information about any of the "connector slots" that you may have assigned to particular classes via the graph widget configuration dialog. If you do not fix this issue, your existing graphs will appear with nodes, but no links between nodes. (This is only true for graphs that use connector slots, not reified relations for links). Please re-assign connector slots by doing the following:

  • Navigate to the Forms tab.
  • Select the form in the Form Browser pane that has a property using the graph widget.
  • Double-click on the property in the Form Editor to bring up the graph widget configuration dialog.
  • On the Nodes tab, select the desired class and reassign the appropriate connector slot from the Connector Slot combo box.

Troubleshoot node labels

If the node labels in existing graphs do not appear as you remember, your display slot configuration information may have been lost. (This problem is unrelated to the graph widget). You can fix this issue by navigating to the Forms tab and reassigning display slots in the Form Editor pane.