From Protege Wiki
The following dependencies exist for PROMPT 3.0:
not available
see page for details
Changelog Details
- Mapping mode: create a mapping between two ontologies, and execute the mapping using a mapping interpreter
- Make sure to check out the page on ConfiguringPromptProjects
- Plug-in architecture: plug in your own mapping algorithms for initial comparison of ontologies or your own user interface components
- For developers: developing plugins for Prompt
- Available Prompt plug-ins (these plugins are installed when you install Prompt):
- CogZ: use Jambalaya-style visualizations for mappings
- FOAM in Prompt: use the FOAM algorithm for mapping
- Synonyms: if you have synonyms for your terms, have Prompt use synonyms in creating lexical mappings
Important notice: the Prompt build available with the Protege download (Protege 3.2 beta, build 331) has a bug in the FOAM plug-in to Prompt. Unfortunately, due to some recent hardware difficulties, we are unable to run a new Protege build at this time. Thus, if you would like to try out the FOAM plug-in for Prompt, you will need to do the following:
- Download an updated version of the Prompt FOAM plug-in.
- Navigate to the Prompt plug-ins directory: <protege-install-dir>/plugins/edu.stanford.smi.protegex.prompt/plugins.
- Replace the folder entitled "edu.stanford.smi.protegex.foamplugin" in this directory with the one you just downloaded and unzipped.