Protege Ontology Library

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Welcome to the Protege Ontology Library!

This page is organized into the following groupings:

If your ontology is available in multiple formats, please feel free to link to it from multiple sections.

Please make insertions in alphabetical order. Thank you !!!

OWL ontologies

Information on how to open OWL files from the Protege-OWL editor is available on the main Protege Web site. See the Creating and Loading Projects section of the Getting Started with Protege-OWL Web page. Other ways to search for OWL ontologies include using Google:, or the new Semantic Web search engine called Swoogle.

  • AIM@SHAPE Ontologies: Ontologies pertaining to digital shapes. Source: AIM@SHAPE NoE - Advanced and Innovative Models And Tools for the development of Semantic-based systems for Handling, Acquiring, and Processing knowledge Embedded in multidimensional digital objects.
  • MOD Ontology: MOD stands for Metadata for Ontology Description and publication. MOD proposes a set of metadata elements which can be used to describe the ontologies, for instance, in ontology libraries and repositories. Like any other resources, ontologies also need to be described. The proper descriptions of the ontologies will enable us in discovering, identifying and selecting the right ontologies from the ontological libraries, and repositories. The details of this ontology can be found here. Contributed by Biswanath Dutta DRTC, Bangalore.
  • bhakti.owl: An OWL ontology for the transcendental states of consciousness experienced by practitioners of bhakti-yoga, a form of Vedic consciousness engineering.
  • Biochemical Ontologies: Over 30 ontologies for knowledge representation and reasoning across scientific domains. Ontologies are normalized into non-disjoint primitive skeletons and complex class expressions for DL reasoning. Ontologies describe atoms, bonds, molecules, macromolecules and the processes they participate in.
  • BioPAX: An OWL ontology for biological pathways, which is primarily used to exchange data between pathway resources.
  • BIRNLex: An ontology created by and for the Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) in order to provide a shared semantic framework in which to annotate BIRN data related to multi-resolutional, cross-species studies of neurodegenerative disease. BIRNLex follows the OBO Foundry best practices and makes use of other OWL-based OBO ontologies.
  • BreastCancerOntology: An OWL ontology for describing some features of Breast Cancer; Basic model is stable, but still being fleshed out.
  • Cardiology.owl: An ontology to present various cardiology diseases, their symptoms, tests, and complications. Contributed by Rishi.
  • CompGuide Ontology Model: The CompGuide ontology presents a formalisation of guidelines as linked lists of tasks, thus following the Task Network Model (TNM), representing Clinical Practice Guidelines as workflows.
  • CN Ontology: An OWL ontology presenting the concepts used in collaborative networked organizations with focus on Virtual Organizations Breeding Environment.
  • consciousness1.owl: An OWL ontology showing the transcendental background for consciousness according to the ancient Vedic literature.
  • CMS Ontology:CMS stands for College Management System. This ontology describes all the majors concepts involved in management of any college. The details available at [1].Contributed by Ayesha Banu.
  • Delegation Ontology: An OWL ontology to describe delegation concepts in the context of Grid computing.
  • Dietas: Esto es una ontología en OWL no terminada que simula un dietista.
  • DOLCE: The Dolce foundational ontology and its extensions provide a domain-independent framework to build ontologies on the basis of highly-reusable patterns. Contributed by Aldo Gangemi.
  • Education Ontology: Ontology for the Minnesota Department of Education based on the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) structures and ISO/IEC 11179 standards. This domain includes information about K-12 students, teachers, schools, districts, enrollments, assessments, USDA food and nutrition programs, and on-line courses. Includes approximately 400 data elements. A case study will be presented at the Semantic Technology conference in March 2006. Feedback ->
  • Einstein's riddle (Zebra puzzle): formulation of the puzzle in ALCOIF Description Logic, just classify the ontology in Protege and get a solution by clicking on individuals.
  • ESG: An ontology describing very large simulation datasets and related information for climate sciences such as those found in the Earth System Grid project. Contributed by Line Pouchard.
  • family.swrl.owl: A SWRL/OWL demo ontology about family relationships . Contributed by Christine Golbreich.
  • Finance: an ontology on financial instruments, involved parties, processes and procedures in securtities handling. Contributed by Eddy Vanderlinden.
  • fgdc-csdgm.owl: Ontology for Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) of Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC). Contributed by Akm Saiful Islam, Bora Beran, Volkan Yargici, and Michael Piasecki.
  • Infrastructure Product Ontology: An OWL ontology for utility infrastructure products, their attributes, mechanisms, and measures. Products span all five sectors of utilities (Water, Wastewater, Gas, Electricity, and Telecom).
  • iso-metadata.owl: Several ISO Geographic Information Ontologies developed with the Protege-OWL editor. Contributed by Akm Saiful Islam, Bora Beran, Luis Bermudez, Stephane Fellah & Michael Piasecki.
  • Library Ontology: This Library ontology includes all the major classes & subclass hierarchy,properties,characteristics,restrictions and instances of a Library Management System of any Educational Organization. The details of this ontology can be found at [2]. Contributed by Ayesha Banu.
  • A zipped Protégé project of an ontology for currency creation and use. Also contains an "owl". The objective is an active description of all forms of "money" from barter to clearing systems, from precious metal coinage to debt-based fiat. It is oriented towards designers of payment systems and community currency systems. Here is a preview GIF image ! First begun 2008/05/04 and last updated 2008/05/12. v0.0 Contributed by Martin "Hasan" Bramwell
  • MR-MPS-SW : Enterprise Ontologies as a complementary tool to support the adoption of software process quality models. The model selected for this work was the Reference Model MPS for software development (RM-MPS-SW), which is part of the Brazilian Software Process Improvement Program (MPS.BR). The RM-MPS-SW was developed focusing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), although it is completely suited to large organizations. In this context, this work presents a methodology for the ontology development on the levels G and F of the RM-MPS-SW. Concepts of the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) are included to support adherence to its principle by software companies. The inclusion of BSC (Balanced Scorecard) indicators approximates the model with the strategic planning of the company. The intention is that this methodology can be used as a basis for the representation of the other MPS-SW levels and other software process models.
  • Communication Network A domain ontology of the SNMP-managed TCP/IP-based communication network system. Contributed by Sameera Abar
  • New Testament Names: A semantic knowledge base describing named things (people, places, and other classes) in the New Testament, as well as their attributes and relationships. It includes both an ontology and a substantial amount of instance data. NTNames is part of
  • not-galen.owl: A selective adaptation made in 1995 of an early prototype GALEN model; content is not related to or representative of any current or historical OpenGALEN release. Contributed by Ian Horrocks.
  • OGC: Ontology for Geography Markup Language (GML3.0) of Open GIS Consortium (OGC). Contributed by Contributors: Zafer Defne, Akm Saiful Islam and Michael Piasecki.
  • OntoClean: Representation of OntoClean meta-properties and corresponding constraints as a Protege ontology and a set of PAL constraints.
  • OntoTool: An ontology that is used to model Task and Tool features for project realization. This ontology contains essential concepts about the relationship between task and tool and frequently asked questions about tool identification.
  • OSM - Ontology for Support and Management: An ontology that contains all constructs required for the various versions of the Ontology for Support and Management of pervasive services by using ontology-based policy mechanisms run by IST-Context project and the research extensions towards Onto-Context framework to demonstrate advantages when context information is used for controlling management operations.
  • PPOntology: An OWL ontology for cereal plant protection. Currently, it is developed to encompass the field of diagnosis and treatment of barley disorders.
  • Protein Ontology: Protein Ontology or PO provides a unified vocabulary for capturing declarative knowledge about protein domain and to classify that knowledge to allow reasoning. Contributed by Amandeep S. Sidhu.
  • Sort Ontology: Sort ontology is a model of ontologies where ontological classes are represented as sorts with the principles of identity and individuation. The model consists of four meta-classes: TypeSort, QuasitypeSort, RoleSort, and PhaseSort. It is intended to enrich the semantics of ontological classes by embedding abstract-level domain independent knowledge (called meta-knowledge) into OWL ontologies.
  • Surface-Water-Model-Ontology: An ontology for surface water and water quality models currently exists based on the list provided SMIC, US Geological Survey using Protege. Contributed by Akm Saiful Islam.
  • travel.owl: A tutorial OWL ontology for a Semantic Web of tourism. Contributed by Holger Knublauch.
  • Toys.owl: Toys are classified into various categories in Toys ontology.Contributed by Ayesha Ameen, Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan,B.Padmaja Rani [ ]
  • University Ontology.owl: University Ontology contains the details of working of university. Special focus is given to various courses offered by university.Object properties and data types properties are created for further understanding.Restrictions are added for pursuing a course of study depending on the current course of student.Contributed by Ayesha Ameen, Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan,B.Padmaja Rani [ ]
  • WebOfPatterns: An OWL ontology for object-oriented software design. Used to represent design patterns, a Java client exists that can download these descriptions and scan code for pattern instances.

Frame-based ontologies

In the context of this page, the phrase "frame-based ontologies" loosely refers to ontologies that were developed using the Protege-Frames editor. For more information on how to open an ontology from the Protege-Frames editor, see the Protege-Frames User's Guide.

  • Biological Processes: A knowledge model of biological processes and functions that is graphical, for human comprehension, and machine-interpretable, to allow reasoning.
  • CEDEX: Representation of CEDEX in Protege. CEDEX is a base ontology for exchange and distributed use of ecological data.
  • Engineering ontologies: A set of ontologies for representing systems, their decomposition, connections, requirements and constraints
  • GandrKB (Gene annotation data representation): An ontology and knowledge base describing gene functions enabling biologists to annotate (multiple) genes on Affymetrix Microarrays per simple drag and drop. Annotation-concepts and genes can be linked for fast and intuitive context-exploration and extensive querying. Generated gene annotations can be interactively explored as semantic networks with advanced visualisation tools. Contributed by Daniel Schober.
  • GeneOntologyInProtege: Knowledge acquisition, consistency checking, and concurrency control in Gene Ontology.
  • HELEN: The HELEN Guideline representation ontology.
  • HL7-RIM: HL7-RIM as a Protege ontology. Contributed by Bhavna Orgun.
  • OntoClean: Representation of OntoClean meta-properties and corresponding constraints as a Protege ontology and a set of PAL constraints.
  • Science Ontology: A modified version of the KA² ontology describing research-related information.
  • Instituto Kuluwulu: This is a model to check the reliability of the Wiki Ontology Library. Sorry for this, but we had to do it XD. Por favor no tomen represalias, solo somos estudiantes con ganas de chequear este wiki. We love ontologies.

Other ontology formats

  • HL7-RIM: HL7-RIM as a Protege ontology. Contributed by Bhavna Orgun.
  • Learner: An ontology describing Learner features used for personalization in eLearning systems. Created in the context of EU/IST project Elena.
  • Multi-dimensional Proverb ontology: An ontology of Hebrew Proverbs by Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Gila Prebor and Orna Bloch from Information Science dept., Bar-Ilan university, Ramat-Gan, Israel.