Install Protege5

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Protege Desktop 5.0 Beta Installation Instructions

Please refer to the specific installation instructions for your platform.


Protege Desktop 5.0 beta is distributed in the form of a ZIP file and requires Java 7.

Check for Java 7

There are several possible ways to check your Java version on Windows.

From the Windows Start menu

  • Click the Windows Start button.
  • Type "Java" in the "Search programs and files" text box.
  • Select "About Java" from the results listed under the "Programs" header:

InstallP5 AboutJava.png

Selecting About Java will display a dialog with your Java version:

InstallP5 OracleJavaVersionDialog.png

Download the ZIP file

  • Go to the Products page on the Protege website.
  • Click the Download for Windows button.

Unzip Protege

Once the download completes, navigate to the folder where

Launch Protege

To launch Protege, double-click the run.bat file in the root directory of the installation.

Mac OS X

Protege 5.0 is distributed in the form of a ZIP file and requires Java 7.


Protege 5.0 is distributed in the form of a tar.gz file and requires Java 7.