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How do I load a Protege-OWL ontology from a Protege database using the API?
Method 1
The simplest way to load a Protege-OWL ontology from a Protege database is to programatically load the project file (.pprj), which already contains all of the necessary database connection information:
Project prj = Project.loadProjectFromFile("/home/pizza_db.pprj",errors); OWLModel owlModel = (OWLModel) prj.getKnowledgeBase();
Method 2
The second method should be used if there is no project file (.pprj) associated with the Protege-OWL database ontology:
JenaKnowledgeBaseFactory.useStandalone = false; Collection errors = new ArrayList(); //the "false" argument means that it won't overide the existing table OwlDatabaseCreator creator = new OwlDatabaseCreator(false); creator.setDriver("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); creator.setURL("jdbc:mysql://localhost/protege"); creator.setUsername("protege"); creator.setPassword("mypass"); creator.setTable("tableName"); try { creator.create(errors); OWLModel owlModel = creator.getOWLModel(); } catch (OntologyLoadException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
The "false" argument to the
OwlDatabaseCreatorclass tells it to use an existing database rather than overwrite it.