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(Created page with '{{Plugin |Description=propose a support for defining mappings between elements in generic models and elements in the designer’s personal OWL models, help to create consistent a...' (checkpoint save))
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|Description=propose a support for defining mappings between elements in generic models and elements in the designer’s personal OWL models, help to create consistent and relevant OWL models integrating the generic and specific ones and taking into account the mappings between them.  
|Description=propose a support for defining mappings between elements in generic models and elements in the designer’s personal OWL models, help to create consistent and relevant OWL models integrating the generic and specific ones and taking into account the mappings between them.
|PluginType=Tab Widget
|PluginType=Tab Widget
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|Topic2=Semantic Web
|Topic2=Semantic Web
|Affiliation1=<a href="http://www.supelec.fr/"> Supélec </a>
<br />
Given two models, a generic model used in a generic system and a specific model provided by a designer, MESAM support the construction of a model that would integrate all the particularities of the
specific model and be usable in the generic system.
<br />
MESAM needs the definition of mappings between elements of both models and a validation process at the structural and semantic level. It relies on the designer who has a very good understanding of his model. He will be responsible for semantic validation while all the structural verifications will be done automatically by the plug-in.
<br />
The main steps are described below, for more details see papers section:
<br />
# Specification, by the designer, of the equivalence and specialization mappings between classes of the generic
model and the specific model, merging the whole generic model and the mapped classes of the specific model
(together with the associated mapping links) in order to obtain a new model.
<br />
# Automatic computation of additional mappings between classes, the mappings and the linked classes being
added in the model being built.
<br />
# Automatic computation of mappings between elements different from classes, i.e. between attributes and
between relations.
<br />
# Validation by the designer of the deductions made by the plug-in in step 3.
<br />
* "Assisting in Reuse of Adaptive Hypermedia Creator's Models" N. Zemirline, Y. Bourda, C. Reynaud, F. Popineau. 5th International Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems Conference <a href="http://www.ah2008.org/"> AH 2008 </a> Hannover, Germany
* "A Pattern and Rule-Based Approach for Reusing Adaptive Hypermedia Creator's Models" N. Zemirline, C. Reynaud, Y. Bourda, F. Popineau. 16th International Conference,<a href="http://ekaw2008.inrialpes.fr/">  EKAW 2008 </a>, Acitrezza, Italy
* "MESAM: A Protégé Plug-in for the Specialization of Models" N. Zemirline, Y. Bourda, C. Reynaud, F. Popineau.  11th Intl. <a href="http://protege.stanford.edu/conference/2009/index.html">  Protégé Conference Amsterdam </a>, Netherlands
<br />
For Protege 3.x, download MESAM-protege.zip file and unzip it in the Protege plugins directory. the plug-in needs a rule engine to make inferences, it must be installed separately. At present, only the Jess rule engine is supported. Information on installing Jess is described <a href="http://protege.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SWRLJessTab#nid6RJ"> here </a>
<br />
'''How can I get help?'''
Questions and comments on the MESAMTab should be sent to Nadjet.Zemirline@Supelec.fr.

Revision as of 04:47, July 29, 2009

Type Tab Widget
Author(s) Nadjet Zemirline, Yolaine Bourda, Chantal Reynaud
Last Update August 1, 2009
License not available
Homepage not available
For Application
  • <a href="http://www.supelec.fr/"> Supélec </a>
    Property "Affiliated with" (as page type) with input value " Supélec " contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

propose a support for defining mappings between elements in generic models and elements in the designer’s personal OWL models, help to create consistent and relevant OWL models integrating the generic and specific ones and taking into account the mappings between them.

Versions & Compatibility

This section lists available versions of MESAM.

VersionCompatible withDependencies
MESAM 1.0Protege-OWL 3.4

If you click on the button below to add a new version of MESAM, you will be asked to define a page title for the new version. Please adhere to the naming convention of MESAM X.X.X when you define the new page!


VersionChanges in this version
MESAM 1.0see page for more details


Given two models, a generic model used in a generic system and a specific model provided by a designer, MESAM support the construction of a model that would integrate all the particularities of the specific model and be usable in the generic system.
MESAM needs the definition of mappings between elements of both models and a validation process at the structural and semantic level. It relies on the designer who has a very good understanding of his model. He will be responsible for semantic validation while all the structural verifications will be done automatically by the plug-in.
The main steps are described below, for more details see papers section:

  1. Specification, by the designer, of the equivalence and specialization mappings between classes of the generic

model and the specific model, merging the whole generic model and the mapped classes of the specific model (together with the associated mapping links) in order to obtain a new model.

  1. Automatic computation of additional mappings between classes, the mappings and the linked classes being

added in the model being built.

  1. Automatic computation of mappings between elements different from classes, i.e. between attributes and

between relations.

  1. Validation by the designer of the deductions made by the plug-in in step 3.


  • "Assisting in Reuse of Adaptive Hypermedia Creator's Models" N. Zemirline, Y. Bourda, C. Reynaud, F. Popineau. 5th International Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems Conference <a href="http://www.ah2008.org/"> AH 2008 </a> Hannover, Germany
  • "A Pattern and Rule-Based Approach for Reusing Adaptive Hypermedia Creator's Models" N. Zemirline, C. Reynaud, Y. Bourda, F. Popineau. 16th International Conference,<a href="http://ekaw2008.inrialpes.fr/"> EKAW 2008 </a>, Acitrezza, Italy
  • "MESAM: A Protégé Plug-in for the Specialization of Models" N. Zemirline, Y. Bourda, C. Reynaud, F. Popineau. 11th Intl. <a href="http://protege.stanford.edu/conference/2009/index.html"> Protégé Conference Amsterdam </a>, Netherlands


For Protege 3.x, download MESAM-protege.zip file and unzip it in the Protege plugins directory. the plug-in needs a rule engine to make inferences, it must be installed separately. At present, only the Jess rule engine is supported. Information on installing Jess is described <a href="http://protege.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?SWRLJessTab#nid6RJ"> here </a>

How can I get help?

Questions and comments on the MESAMTab should be sent to Nadjet.Zemirline@Supelec.fr.