Pr4 UG h2

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Protege 4 User's Guide
Entity - Name
Entity - Render
Expression - Enter
Ontology - Create
Ontology - Export
Ontology - Extend
Ontology - Import

As shown in the right-hand navigation bar, this guide contains several HowTo pages (each of which explains "how to" perform a specific task). However, some of the existing HowTos are quite incomplete and there are many more that would be useful.

This guide is a community effort: If you think of a topic that you could cover (or even begin!), we encourage you to do so.

Entity Naming

Protege 4's design is closely tied to the Web Ontology Language (OWL), a family of knowledge representation languages for authoring ontologies. Because OWL is intended for use in the Semantic Web, it uses Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to identify all entities (ie, named things). ...

Entity Rendering

Because URIs will often be fairly long strings, Protege 4 uses a renderer to show a shortened form of the name. ...

Expression Entering


Ontology Creation


Ontology Exporting


Ontology Importing
